NoBS GoonSquad Sports Show

Ep. 79 - Dru McAnelly Intro & NFL Draft Recap

NO BS Podcast Season 2 Episode 79

Welcome to episode 79 of the podcast! In this episode, hosts Cole Ingle and Stoy Hall are joined by a special guest, Drew McAnelly. Drew shares his background, his love for sports and passion for coaching, and the story of how he moved on from Natty Ice to peanut butter whiskey.

The trio then dives into a recap of the NFL Draft and discusses Dallas's winning moment that stole everyone's heart. They also chat about the upcoming Wells Fargo Championship and share their picks. And for the first time, fans get to see the hosts' sheet, and it's an exciting moment for everyone!

Drew's infectious energy and stories make this episode an absolute blast to listen to, so make sure to tune in and join in on the fun!

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Cole Ingle:

So you've come so

Stoy Hall:

far. I

Dru McAnelly:

know I'm really growing up from the days of Bonderant to Natty Ice, to peanut butter Whiskey Peanut

Cole Ingle:

from Natty Ice to a peanut butter whiskey. I mean that just growing up, he's growing up in.

Stoy Hall:

If that

Cole Ingle:

isn't the story

Dru McAnelly:

of maturity, if I don't deserve to be on this podcast for that, I don't know what else gives me the right. So that's

Stoy Hall:

awesome. Da. All right, look at us. New. New digs, new

Cole Ingle:

peeps. Love it. Love it. It's

Stoy Hall:

been a while. We we do apologize for that, but there's some things that changed a little bit and but we're back. So cheers to that. Cheers to that. Cheers to Drew Cheer. You guys will meet him later. Don't worry about that.

Cole Ingle:

We here though. We here and my

Stoy Hall:

son Lincoln decided to jump on the mic. Yep.

Cole Ingle:

Cory's gonna pop up in the corner here. Yep. Probably. Can you see a little head bobbing around? Don't be

Stoy Hall:

concerned. It'll be all right. Whoa. Hey. Everybody as host Stoy Hall with our co-host, Colt Engel and a special guest. We'll see how you guys feel about him. That's usually how this all works out. I had to get him one more. I was once a special guest. You were. So yeah. For a few hours. I had big shoes to fill tonight. That's right. Don't do that. Yeah, don't give him that. For

Cole Ingle:

being six three, my feet aren't

Stoy Hall:

that big. No, absolutely. So tonight we'll do introduction there with Drew, go through his background his sports teams, all those fun things. We will hit upon the NFL draft, as that just occurred I believe. Dallas won the hearts of everybody, at least. I don't know how you could, they had a moment. They had a moment, which is all they usually get. I

Cole Ingle:

mean, that's better than some drafts for me.

Stoy Hall:

And then we got the Wells Fargo Championship this week. Yeah, as well. And guess what? Fans, you'll actually get to see our sheet for once. Hey. So here we go. Moving up. Moving

Cole Ingle:

on up.

Stoy Hall:

Drew we're not, we don't do any special intro things. All right. Besides the fact that, did you see it? Yeah. Okay, cool. I put your pick

Dru McAnelly:

and I'm gonna have, I just have to get a picture of that thumbnail that, that is

Stoy Hall:

little thumbnail pick there. So yeah. Found it on Google. That's unbelievable. Yeah. You're all over the place.

Dru McAnelly:

Sincerely made my day.

Stoy Hall:

There you go. Good. Good. Why don't you tell us about yourself?

Dru McAnelly:

Drew McInally the life and times grew up in Indian, Iowa. Both my parents were teachers and dad was a coach. So I've grown up around sports my whole life. Football practice when I was two years old, they ran in reverse and I got ran over. So it's been, it explains a lot. A knockdown, drag out fight with me and the love of sports and the passion I have for it for since age two. Graduated from Indianola High School, played three years of college basketball, one year of college football, and been teaching and coaching now for 20 years. Married to my beautiful wife, Meredith and my two amazing children. Zane and Zoe's age 13, Zoe's 11, and been in the Ankeny school district now for 11 years and was a head girls basketball coach for seven. And I just resigned from that and. Mr. Engle over there was fortunate enough to be my assistant. Multiple times. Yeah, multiple times. And we have some stories behind that, that some of you might get a kick out of. But for three years there at Ankeny and so yeah, I just resigned getting out to enjoy watching my children play. You only get that small window of life once and it's gonna be gone before we know it. And I can always get back in. But yeah, that's a little bit about me and just really happy to be here tonight with these two amazing gentlemen. So let's rock and

Cole Ingle:

roll. Did you did you play college sports?

Dru McAnelly:

Yeah, I played three years of basketball in one year of football. What positions? Quarterback and point guard. Yeah.

Stoy Hall:

Two quarterbacks. Yeah. Two, two Iowa boys.

Cole Ingle:

This is just I won't give any ground on the quarterbacking position but I will give props to Drew's basketball abilities. All right. Fair. Even at his old age. Fair. Yeah. What about his, fill it up a little bit.

Stoy Hall:

What about his golfing abilities?

Cole Ingle:

Solid. Okay. Consistent. Okay. Boring.

Stoy Hall:

It's an old man. Exactly. Old man,

Cole Ingle:

bald guy. The opposite of his personality. Yeah. Yeah. Surprisingly. Which is why I'm hoping he's a yes on the golf trip, because people I think will be I've golfed with him just enough to be pleasantly surprised. Hey, he, hey. He's just steady Eddie man. Yeah, just get it out there.

Stoy Hall:

Golf trip. Hearing some of what happened last year, we will be bringing camera though. For the pod. We have to, yeah. I mean we just have to for the brand. Not to mention we have three extra cameras, so we If they breaks, it's fine. Yeah. Whoops. But we're bringing that sports teams, you gotta let everyone know.

Dru McAnelly:

Oh gosh. Ah. Growing up in Iowa

Cole Ingle:

cause it's gonna make me physically ill.

Dru McAnelly:

I I bleed black and gold. I'm a diehard Hawkeye fan. And then nba, I grew up a a Michael Guy, so bulls and I'm for a basketball guy. I'm not the hugest of N B A fans, but I'm a Bulls fan still. And N F L New England Patriots I would say I'm a very mild baseball guy. But I do root for the St. Louis Cardinals, so I'm all over the place a little bit there. But I am a, I, outside of golf and my family and sports, my true hobby and passion in life are my Iowa haw guys, and Cole can probably

Cole Ingle:

can. Unfortunate, and you've already done better in this episode than we have in the last year on hitting these right on cue. Yeah. It's like our production skills got better after got better. Break. Just a little break. Either that or Drew just brings the best out in our, I think. I think it's

Stoy Hall:

more yeah, I feel like we just have been in it against each other so long that someone else we can just attack. I love. That's great man. I am so happy to have another Hawkeye on the show. That's just makes my day. Especially when perspective it is, and every time that the Huskers end up beating them at the end of the season, doesn't matter what sport it makes it fun to talk about. And I'm not even a huge hustlers fan. It's just very easy to talk about.

Dru McAnelly:

You don't mean I don't have a lot to talk about. Cause

Stoy Hall:

it doesn't happen. I, it just happened last season. Football and basketball. Yeah. Okay. All I'm just saying,

Cole Ingle:

Recency biased, but he's not wrong. No, absolutely. Unfortunately, it's two games The Hawks had no business losing.

Stoy Hall:


Dru McAnelly:

I will attest to that. Yeah. But

Stoy Hall:

yeah, so we'll get, we'll dive into that. We'll,

Cole Ingle:

Don't let him fool you into thinking that he's a Huskers man. That's the first time he's ever said anything positive about the Huskers. And it's not, it's

Stoy Hall:

not there. It's just not all the time I've known him. It's not there. All right. Let's get into the little nba, Jesus, nba. We can get, I've never said NBA on the show, and now you say it. And that's all I can freaking say. We're gonna start in, we're not starting with the no, we're gonna start with NFL draft. You going straight in the draft? Yeah. Might as well. Might as well finish with golf. We don't have any golf recap.

Cole Ingle:

Tony Fi

Stoy Hall:

now won. Yeah, but we didn't have any beds. No, I, oh, shut him out then. Shut him out. Go ahead. I,

Cole Ingle:

I'm gonna shout him out real quick, obviously, because he's our guy, right? He's my guy's. Absolutely. And in golf pool. I chose him as the outright winner this week. Oh, you did? So I, that was my first outright winner in two years. And I hit him, he plays great outside of the United States, so as soon as I saw, like he's been playing well, we've got Mexico tournament, little less field. Ran the table outright. Winner boom. Unfortunately, like nine other guys picked him as well. But hey, you still won. Gotta start somewhere. So I gotta start climbing. Back up the leaderboard a little bit on that. So great win for him. The whole family was there. Awesome to see. So I got the picture with him. Wife, five kids.

Stoy Hall:

Best part was afterwards.

Cole Ingle:

So every day after he played, he went and played the par three course with his oldest son Trace, who's on the junior pga. But then the last day after winning, so after four days of playing and then playing the part three and then winning, he went out with all five kids and his wife, and they played another round on the part three. Pretty cool. The dude is just, he's a machine when it comes to, golf, but then just flips it immediately to, to the family time. But five

Stoy Hall:

kit. Yeah. 5,

Cole Ingle:

5, 5. And the oldest one I think is 12, maybe 13. I got two'em. Good. It's gotta be between two and 13 right now. He's got five. Between

Dru McAnelly:

the three of us, we have six, correct? Yeah.

Stoy Hall:

Yeah. Yep. That's enough. Yeah, that's, if

Cole Ingle:

we, if we need as much money as him though, it'd be a lot. We could hire out some. Yeah, you're We, but still, if it would be nice if we could. Afford and enjoy traveling with five children. Yes. Yeah. I heard on the broadcast that when they traveled to Mexico, it was 22 pieces of luggage. And my guess is that was on a private jet or maybe the luggage had a jet and then he had a jet would be like,

Stoy Hall:

he had his bag in his clubs like that was it. Oh.

Cole Ingle:

But yeah, that's good outta you, Tony. Something that they've started to do more is travel as a whole family. The documentary Full Swing highlighted that. Yeah. For anyone that saw that on Netflix, he talked about that being an important thing. Once his wife's dad passed away they started doing that more. Usually when he wins he's got the family there, so that's always a cool experience. And obviously he's just known as one of the great guys on tour. So just continues to show that. Yeah. But yeah, NFL draft. Do you wanna start with an overall, feel sy synopsis or do you want to dive right into what the hell the Falcons were doing at eight? Let's,

Stoy Hall:

no, we don't need to dive. That's what we will have time to talk about that. Could we,

Cole Ingle:

I don't know if Drew knew you were a Falcons fan or not, but I just wanted him to be aware so he could prepare some material to spat back at you.

Dru McAnelly:

The bitterness in his voice between Falcons and Huskers, I can understand where. He's feeling makes sense, right? Feeling. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

And I mean it's it's like it was 28 to three all over again. Yeah.

Dru McAnelly:

So I'm sure Doy just about threw up in his mouth when he heard me say New England just brought back, actually he haunted, did haunted and dreaded replay it cuz I did dreaded memories.

Cole Ingle:

Hey, do you not know the security gun?

Stoy Hall:

I don't usually just pops up and lets me push a button. So overall feeling

Cole Ingle:

on the draft I thought it was a fun draft. I thought there were a couple of surprises, a couple good surprises, couple of head shakers. Definitely some really good talent that dropped into the second round. And some teams just with some head scratching decisions from a personnel standpoint. Whether it be first and second or throughout the draft and a couple of teams that I think just absolutely. Killed it in the draft and weren't necessarily in position to do so and just made the right decisions when players dropped to'em. I guess I'll start. I think that the Eagles, ooh, are the best team in the nfc. Probably had a top three draft. They had. Two guys dropped to them. I believe they were both, were they both Georgia? Yep. Guys. And the draft picks that they had received from, who did they have draft picks from? Was it from the Rams?

Dru McAnelly:

Is that right? I think you're

Cole Ingle:

correct in that trade. Yeah. The, but they took full advantage. A couple of guys just dropped and they solidified their D-line. They didn't have a lot of holes to fill anyway. And at the time that they drafted, they absolutely, in my opinion, stole guys off the board that are, were both potential top 10 picks. And they ended up with two of'em in one round being the team that was the second best team in the nfl. Yeah. So that was crazy to me. I. I don't think that there was necessarily a ton of flash in a lot, but the Texans did flash at the beginning of the draft trading up to get the third pick after taking CJ Stroud's second, which I've got my own feelings on Stroud, but I think they got their guy and then they went and got the next best player in the draft as well. So I was really impressed with how aggressive they were and thought they got some really good value early. And then also just had a solid draft overall. So those were the kind of the top two that popped for me. There were some other really solid drafts in there. The two worst for me, I thought the Packers had a questionable draft. I don't know. I'm interested to hear how you felt about the Patriots draft. Belichick's always a head scratcher to me. When it comes to the draft. It's hard to question them. I just thought they needed some more offensive help and didn't go after it. Packers did the same thing. So that's

Stoy Hall:

kind of where do the Packers ever really. I was at overall on that draft.

Cole Ingle:

Though, but I didn't love what the Falcons did either. I didn't think that you got help early. Yeah. What was interesting with quarterback,

Dru McAnelly:

what I found interesting with the Patriots draft is we know that Bill can take any defensive guy. Free agent, undrafted, whatever it may be. And he's gonna mold that guy into a really good player within the system. But with the coaching changes they've had, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Hell they tried to have a defensive coordinator call in plays. Yeah. And we saw, that worked. And exactly how well you'd expect it to. Exactly. And sometimes I, and I love the guy to death, but sometimes his stubborn, arrogant, arrogance can maybe get in the way, especially on the offensive side of the ball. So what was interesting to me within the draft was he can develop talent, obviously on the defensive side. So let's go attack. The offense side of the ball and they just seemed to, to not go that route. And that's where we really struggled because last year we had a defense that could have made a two or three game run within the playoffs. Not good enough to get the Super Bowl or win it by any stretch, but the defense was very good. Maybe not true blue old school patriots, but good. But the offense just struggled. Yeah. Just mightily struggled for, from all aspects. And that was what was really surprising to me with the Patriots draft.

Cole Ingle:

Yeah, they just, I don't know. I just didn't feel like they addressed helping out. Yeah. Mack Jones. Yeah. Or Bailey Zap, Zappy, whoever, whichever one they decide to go with. I think Mack Jones is the guy there, but I just don't they didn't give him any protection and they didn't give him any weapons. Nope. So that, that was disappointing. To me, if you're a Patriots fan, and then I just felt the same way with the Packers. Everybody thought that they were gonna spit in Aaron Rodgers face and actually draft a skill guy. And then they come out and draft two defensive guys right away. I think they drafted two tight ends and I don't know, I just don't

Stoy Hall:

understand. They just baffled the right thing. Yeah. Yeah. They always seem to do the ass backwards thing, like it doesn't make any sense to me. But then they're never

Cole Ingle:

terrible, which is also surprising. But I'm interested to see. They did sign in Jordan Love to a one year extension worth 13 million, which good on him. That's not terrible money for our green beta spend. And I also think Jordan Love needed to get a little bit of something. So we'll see how that experiment works out.

Stoy Hall:

It'll be an interesting one. That division is gonna be I've got the lines early. Ooh, early in, early where we're at. I like the lines second. I second

Dru McAnelly:

that notion. Because if you look at Minnesota last year, A fabulous year and typical in Minnesota fashion, they choke in the playoffs. But if you go back and look, it's like cowboys. Yeah. If you go back and look at their games, they could have for four or five, six of those close wins, they could have easily lost. Yeah. So their record was a little skewed. Yep. Vastly skewed. That can quickly flip in a matter of a season. Absolutely. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

Your thoughts on

Stoy Hall:

the draft? I thought it was a fun start to the draft overall. There really, there were some splashes early on, but I thought most teams, again, except for the teams that I'm harping on didn't really make the picks. I thought they would or should actually, no, in my opinion, but also I'm not a huge draft guy. When it. When it comes to it, because one, we've had good players and then we don't utilize'em. So there's one but two, you don't know what you don't know until they get on the field, right? Yeah. So let's caveat that. But that being said, I thought it was overall just a, it was like a meth draft, and specifically for my falcons

Cole Ingle:

you took a running back number eight. Let's just jump into

Stoy Hall:

that. Oh, first of all, we're not talking about him as an athlete. Okay. No. The best running back, coming out of comp. Absolutely. No. Nobody but

Cole Ingle:

disagrees that Bajan Eaton

Stoy Hall:

wasn't the best. I don't understand eight for this. For multitude of reasons, one, running back's at high don't make any sense. Now we are a running team. However, we had a rookie go for over a thousand. We have Cordell Patterson, which again, yeah. I like, so to have those two, then you throw him in. What are we doing where we could have spent that somewhere else? Yeah. In my opinion o line is a big deal. We have tight, we obviously have tight ends. We don't, our receivers are, we have one I just felt like we should have put more into that core. Now, am I upset that we got a potential back that. Can be here and be here for the next six, eight years and is our dude. No, but you don't put an eight on a line on back. You just don't. Now did you

Dru McAnelly:

mention O line? Yeah. Okay, so let's connect Patriots and Falcons and not to bring back horrible memories for you story, but, or delicious memories.

Stoy Hall:

That's fine.

Dru McAnelly:

Talk to Tommy. Didn't have tons of weapons around him at times either. People forget how unbelievably good the Patriot's offensive line was during that run. And that gets so overshadowed in so many organizations. And so you take a look at the Falcons at eight and you go with what I call a dime a dozen position in the nfl, and you aren't gonna go address offensive line needs. When you look at teams that have won the Super Bowl the last five to seven years, how good their offensive lines have been and how many draft picks they've taken in the first round with offensive line play. Are, where's your research

Cole Ingle:

at right there? You look why the Chiefs lost a Super Bowl. And why they won, why the Eagles were able to get to a Super Bowl. Yeah. And then why the chiefs won the Super Bowl. Yep. It's all, you obviously you have to have other pieces, but the chiefs lost because Tampa Bay just was living in the backfield. The year before they addressed. What buddy?

Stoy Hall:

Can you get'em out? Yeah. Okay. All right.

Cole Ingle:

They they addressed the issue. Yep. And therefore, it's just sometimes I think everything I like, there's too many guys in the room. Oh. We see it on draft night, draft room and there's 24 dudes in there. And it's at the end of the day, one, those not everyone's agreeing. And that's not a bad thing, but if you. Why not four guys? Yeah. Why not six? Yeah. There's just I think at some point where you just lose a voice of, Hey, what the hell do we need? Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, let's go fix that.

Stoy Hall:

I also don't understand, like you, they've game planed this whole thing out. They've had to have right. Every almost live scenario. It's their lively, they've been through this. There, there should be no surpri, there's rare that a trade surprises everybody that all of a sudden the whole draft is. Oh, Lord, what do we do? That is not, that doesn't happen and it didn't happen. Let's go around. So either they couldn't trade back Yeah. At all. No one wanted to, which I was hoping someone would. Maybe that didn't occur. And you go best player available. Okay. That would be my only thought process there. But we did go tackle from Syracuse in the second round Bergeron, which I actually really do that pick. Yeah. I love our two through seven s like. From a value perspective. I love the shit out of it. It's just one I would've liked more

Cole Ingle:

picks. I think the same thing with Alliance. One's taking money and one's

Stoy Hall:


Cole Ingle:

big money. Yeah. Yeah's, because Alliance did the same thing, maybe even to a worse level. They had the 12 pick and they took, in their opinion, it was the best line or the best running back. But in a lot of people's opinion, third or fourth best. Yeah. Correct. Running back at pick 12. 12. And then they also had, was it 18? Yeah. Jack Kimball and one, he went high, but at least he is a day one starter, right? And a 10 to 12 year Yeah. Just a dude and can change

Stoy Hall:

your defense like that. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

That's a leader, that's a day one starter. Like I can if that's your guy, that's your guy, that's fine. He's a Dan Campbell guy. Like I could imagine.

Dru McAnelly:

He's a more, he's more than a linebacker, he is a organizational, foundational, blueprint.

Stoy Hall:

Where's a great number too. Yeah, fantastic number. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

It's the best number in the game. It's the best number in the game. You think

Dru McAnelly:

you'll, is that now? Did I hear speculation on the Drake campus? That's pending Maybe retirement. Yeah.

Stoy Hall:

Okay. But don't tell nobody.

Dru McAnelly:

That's what I heard. Tell nobody. Brian Harden. I'd heard that and it wasn't because

Stoy Hall:

I stole all the jerseys. It was not Brian, I've

Dru McAnelly:

heard Brian Hart, jinx Jersey. Brian Harden is under negotiations with retiring number 30

Cole Ingle:

oneil. Little late,

Stoy Hall:

but hey, yeah, we'll take it

Cole Ingle:

late than never. No, but

Stoy Hall:

yeah, that's, but you're right. Now that being said, the game is changing to running backs. We're running the ball more. Yeah. So are we see, are they early in this new wave? I just, we don't, we won't know that for a while,

Cole Ingle:

but I don't think it even matters if you're early in the new wave. Like you just can't reach for a running back, even if he's really good. Look, look at Saquon. Like how many games?

Dru McAnelly:

What's, how many games he missed? What is the percentage of his games played? Verse missed in the years. Look at

Cole Ingle:

Zeke now. Zeke hasn't, Zeke's not even on a team right now, right? Yeah. And he had his, yes, Pollard took over, but he had his best year last year. He's had in three

Dru McAnelly:

years? Yeah. Why? Because he didn't have as many Carries. He's not as beat up. Correct.

Stoy Hall:

Which is why you don't need to, use an A and your running game.

Cole Ingle:

Not the problem. The Falcon's running game was like the last thing that needed addressed. Yeah, exactly. Of everything we could have addressed. Six different things. Yep. And running the running back was not it. Like your running back was a thousand yard. You had a thousand yard rush. Yeah. Has

Stoy Hall:

a rookie. Yeah. I'm

Dru McAnelly:

not saying this sarcastically cause I don't know, but when was your last winning season?

Stoy Hall:

27, 18. We went to the playoffs, launch to the Eagles. Okay.

Cole Ingle:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dru McAnelly:

So I'm gonna guess you have had offensive line issues.

Stoy Hall:

It's ever last year actually surprising actually. You've been bad on defense. It's been defense been atrocious. Shit on. But now we got Clays. Campbell Hall boys do. Dean Lion Lopez. Your defense was better last year though, and the defense was better last year. Yeah,

Cole Ingle:

no, defense was not the issue last year. No. We had a quarterback issue, but now

Stoy Hall:

you got a running back. But hey, we have three round backs that

Cole Ingle:

three headed running back. You're this Patriots

Stoy Hall:

light. Yeah. We'll see. We'll see what happens. Oh, except the Patriots don't spend money on running.

Dru McAnelly:

They don't spend money. No. General, but they get players.

Cole Ingle:

Do we have the Twitter video of Deuce Vaughn getting drafted? If

Stoy Hall:

you put it in our shitty chat.

Cole Ingle:

I just didn't know if we had

Stoy Hall:

access. Oh, we have access.

Cole Ingle:

I did. I might have put it in there twice actually. Even, oh. You gotta save the, all the alligator video. That's phenomenal. All right, so this is Hey, it's going good. This is Stoy alluded to this. Go ahead, talk to her. So this is Dee Vaughn's dad calling to tell his son that the Cowboys have drafted him and just the emotions surrounding it. Deuce Vaughn, which I love the pickup. That guy's just a workhorse at Kansas State. A scat back. Yeah. Type. Who'd you compare him to? Sprolls. Sprolls. Sprolls. Okay. Yeah, same. He's a little bit bigger, not quite as shifty. Shifty, yeah. But same type and just a grinder guy that's gonna make the squad gonna be either the number two or three. And the cowboys use running backs in different ways. So yeah, I just think a great pick, especially late in the draft. And dad's on staff. So you can see here.

Stoy Hall:

Let's let first run for next minute and half. Hey buddy,

Cole Ingle:

how's it going? Hey, it's going good. This is Dad. My phone wasn't working. Look at here, man. You wanna come to work with me next week? I wouldn't mind that I got somebody wanna speak to you. I got somebody wanna speak to you. I don't know when I've been speaking for everybody that's really in the heart of the Dallas Cowboys is tan

Dru McAnelly:

here. With a tear in our eye. We're so

Cole Ingle:

happy to have you on the Dallas Cowboys. I can't thank you enough. What I

Dru McAnelly:

really want to say, you

Cole Ingle:

earned every ounce of me being able to make this call. I'm so excited. There's just something magical about this moment that may be bigger than we even realize

Dru McAnelly:

here talking to you on the phone. You is

Cole Ingle:

now a Dallas cowboy. Your daddy just hand the card in right here. Yes sir. It's got him on it. Congratulations.

Dru McAnelly:

Hey dude. Mike McCarthy. Congrat

Cole Ingle:


Stoy Hall:

All right. No one wants to listen to Mike McCarthy. No. At all ever.

Cole Ingle:

So I'll start cuz. Jerry Jones the background. I got the.

Dru McAnelly:

I got chills. Is that what's

Cole Ingle:

his name? It's, no, that's his son. It's it's Steven Jones's son. Yeah. So it's that would be Jerry Jones's grandkid. Okay. Yeah. All right. But Jerry Jones is obviously very polar polarizing figure. A guy that I have wished multiple times throughout my cowboy fandom was no longer the owner of the Cowboys, or at least relinquished some of the Yeah. Player responsibility, GM responsibility. That's one of the most respectable moments that I've experienced of Jerry Jones. Yeah. In my, oh shoot. Now 29 years of cowboy fandom, 30 years of cowboy fandom, probably. Awesome moment. Awesome moment for his dad, obviously. And then, the guy's just gonna put in work and do everything he can. For the organization. So it was just a really cool to see one of the awesome draft moments this year. Yeah.

Stoy Hall:

Hands down. Hands down. The other one would've been we didn't have it in there, but with the Steelers going with Porter Junior. Oh, yep. Very similar. Yep. Yep. Obviously he's not on the staff, but a very similar feel. And that those two things just got you. Chills also made me feel old. Okay. And I'm younger and both of you, but that made me, both of those made me feel old. Yeah. Just gonna say that. When we watched their dads

Cole Ingle:

Yes. In their prime. And their prime. And that's happening more and more these days. It sure is in sports. It sure is. Where dads. Gone and here comes sun. Baseball's been that way for a couple years now with more than a handful of guys. Yep. It's great. It's great to see. Great to see. This shows you a little bit about pedigree as well. Yeah. Pedigree matters. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But yeah, there were cool moments of the draft. Had you seen that video before then? I

Dru McAnelly:

had not. I gotcha. And that was really touching. Don't the porters have a special needs child? Did I see a video of that? Or they could have donated some money. Could be to us. I it was, yeah, it was I caught the tail end of it on. Okay. It was really cool, but I don't know. Yeah. The details. Gotcha. That might be something we look into. Google.

Cole Ingle:

Yeah. Google machine. No, very good. That how is supper Nick? Good. Crab cakes. You got

Stoy Hall:

your brother fed. Yeah. Oh,

Cole Ingle:

And he brought one hiccup. Yep. One hiccup. Who hiccups once? That's impressive. I don't know. I don't know. All right. No. So that's NFL draft. Any final thoughts? Did we cover everything we wanted to cover with it?

Stoy Hall:

Yeah. I didn't mean it drafts draft man. Yeah. Obviously you talk about your teams and things that happened, but this one, there wasn't. Yeah,

Cole Ingle:

let's talk I want to talk quarterbacks a little bit more with within overall. Okay. So let's quickly talk where quarterbacks went, yeah. In the draft. Just because obviously that's what dominates the league. So you had quarterbacks going one and two. Do you think Bryce Young was the best quarterback in the draft? No. If you had the number one pick, who would you have drafted? Oh, quarterback. You had to draft a quarterback. Let's put it, let's make it a little bit

Dru McAnelly:

easier. Give me the top five that went, or top three that went, that would be

Cole Ingle:

young Stroud and then Richardson. And then you had Leviis and Hooker both dropped. Those were the top five taken.

Stoy Hall:

If you have to. If you have to, you gotta go young. Only for the simple fact of their offense translates better. Way better. In the history of Alabama, quarterbacks is a lot better than the history of Ohio State quarterbacks. Okay. I don't like it per se. But if you're gonna have, if you have to. If

Cole Ingle:

you had the number one overall pick as the Panthers, would you have taken a

Stoy Hall:

quarterback period? Seeming how they traded before to get the number one pick to do it. They already played their cards. If they were already the number one, I would've traded down. Because you could've went down to three, four. Yeah, no, I don't. You would've lost. Lost out on either Strout or Young. But you could, one of them at three or four, you're not. And then you pick up an extra pick like that would've been my play. But they already traded to get him so they knew what they were wanting.

Cole Ingle:

What are your thoughts on, and

Stoy Hall:

I'm okay with that

Cole Ingle:

before I get Drew's thoughts, what are your thoughts on success of top four, top five quarterbacks drafted? Is there any one of them do you, that you think has a five plus years starting future? Ooh, five

Stoy Hall:

plus years starting


Cole Ingle:

So they're gonna make it to whatever their second, their big deal. Any of those guys.

Stoy Hall:

Oh, that's

Cole Ingle:

tough. I have my opinion on the quarterbacks of this draft, and it's not good.

Stoy Hall:

Oh, that's a really tough fi. I don't know if I have that. I don't, I can't say they, they will. I think the person who will be like, of the five that'll be around. They're all gonna be around. But that will, has the, I believe, the best upside to be around just playing. It's probably Richardson. Okay. Because he can do the, they can use him different ways. All right. Otherwise I didn't will we had a whole Yeah. Whole segment about will leave it Levi's. Yeah. And him seeing him fall was not a shock by any means to me. Hooker's injury, that would be where you're at with that one. I'm not a Stroud guy. And I think Young's too small. Okay. I just

Cole Ingle:

don't think with it, I don't injuries for him. You think that'll be the downfall

Stoy Hall:

for him? Yeah. And injuries in the short quarterback syndrome that we see with Mayfield we've seen with Murray. Murray, like he's just small.

Dru McAnelly:

Two is getting banged up. Yep.

Stoy Hall:

Yeah. Like he's just small. Yep. And like short, he is short.

Cole Ingle:

So how he weighs

Stoy Hall:

180 pounds too. So I don't see that drew

Cole Ingle:

thoughts overall.

Dru McAnelly:

I like Will

Stoy Hall:

Levi, how he's a man.

Cole Ingle:

He, he had put his mayonnaise in his

Stoy Hall:


Dru McAnelly:

I like him. I like his game. I like his demeanor. I love his arrogance. He

Cole Ingle:

also likes that he got drafted by a former Patriots

Stoy Hall:

coach. Yeah. Oh. I like I, there it is. I. Do you

Cole Ingle:

think he starts this year?

Dru McAnelly:

Yeah, I do. Okay. I think the guy, like right away or the mid-season? Mid-season, I think the best thing that happened to that dude was fallen and now the dude's got a chip on his

Stoy Hall:

shoulder. He does remind me of our backup quarterback. Tyler Henneke though. He's got that or I like lay for him. Okay. I just side note,

Cole Ingle:

do you like him better than any of the other quarterbacks on the draft?

Dru McAnelly:

I don't like any of the quarterbacks in the

Cole Ingle:

draft. So we're all kind of

Stoy Hall:


Dru McAnelly:

a horrible quarterback draft.

Stoy Hall:


Cole Ingle:

I think it was. I don't know if I feel that it's a horrible draft or if, I just think that solid quarterbacks were extremely overhyped.

Stoy Hall:

Overhyped. Wait on we went. We went, okay, so let's back up to last season. We were saying that draft class from a quarterback PO position, everyone was playing like, ah, do you pick one? Because you've got this strong class now. We, and we went with Ritter, which I'm actually happy with now. I look at these quarterbacks. You then get to this now, and now you're like, yeah, it's not as strong story. I'm gonna, I'm

Dru McAnelly:

gonna, I'm gonna piggyback to something story said though, early in the podcast was dealing with the draft is we could sit here for hours, upon hours and talk, right? Yeah. You don't know until we get these guys on the field, right? You don't know how they're gonna react to different situations. We don't know how they're gonna handle the media, the pressure, the hype. Oh, does the system truly fit their skillset? Especially do they have injuries around'em? What's the O Line play? There are so many variables that go into best,

Cole Ingle:

but who do you think got put into the best situation then I think will ever you like, I mean you like where him dropping and quarterbacks dropping like that? Definitely. Can, there's been some

Dru McAnelly:

success stories of that him

Stoy Hall:

and Absolutely. How about, yeah. I would say him and Hooker have the better situations. Yeah. Him and Hooker was

Cole Ingle:

my favorite quarterback going into this draft. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I didn't care about the injury, anything like that. I think that dude has moxie. Yep. And now dropping to the second round, I think he went to a good place where he's not forced to play right away. Yep.

Dru McAnelly:

And how'd that work for Aaron Rodgers?

Cole Ingle:

I just think that I just, all the great, basically, yeah, I love that guy. Tommy didn't play right away because I wasn't gonna be surprised if somebody jumped in top 15 to grab him and they didn't because of the injury. And that's, that is what it is. But I don't think Anthony Richardson is an NFL quarterback. I you and I are gonna disagree. I understand what you're saying. As far as him being multiple, I don't think that he can ever. Unless he can overcome accuracy issues, aah. Josh Allen and somewhat Lamar Jackson. But Lamar Jackson's accuracy issues are overblown. He just has accuracy issues in big games. Not necessarily overall. Josh Allen has battled them from college, got way better. Has regressed this last season. Here's

Dru McAnelly:

a guy I'm thinking of right now. Yeah. Of those first two or three quarterbacks drafted, do you think their skillset and their physicality is better than James Winston?

Cole Ingle:

I just didn't like Winston from a maturity standpoint. Okay. Same thing, same reason way back when. I didn't like JaMarcus Russell. Oh yeah. Like you go back in like the, Johnny Menzel, baker Mayfield and Baker Mayfield. Like actually, yeah, like a, he wasn't terrible, but still like the mindset baker. Yeah. The mindset has not set them up for long-term success. Yeah. And that's what I'm trying to look at is like Bryce Young is in the right mindset with a Panthers team who will kick scratch, claw for every victory. They remind me of the lions. Yeah. Yeah. So like he's gonna go into a situation where we don't care if our backs are against the wall. We traded everyone that was good on our team away last year And still won. And still won. Yeah. Still find a way to compete. Yeah. And so that's why I don't mind that situation. The Texans at two I think are a mess, and I don't like a mess like shroud being put into that situation. I think Mills has done a. Like I don't think, I think he's a, he's a lifetime backup, unfortunately for him because of the situation. I

Dru McAnelly:

honestly think CJ Stroud's the worst quarterback in the draft. Personally. That's my personal

Stoy Hall:

opinion. I felt the same way with Mil. Like why you have mills. I mills, this is a solid, average quarterback, right? So you can build everything else up and they don't have anything, many

Dru McAnelly:

people disagree with that comment. That's just my personal opinion.

Stoy Hall:

People love how you play Anything to do with the big tent. No. Okay. No, because,

Dru McAnelly:

but if you watch being a diehard haw guy, I don't feel hate towards Ohio State because they're an elite. But if you watch,

Stoy Hall:

but he had a good, he had a good game in the big lights against Georgia. That's why that's the problem because he was not good all season, but you watched him against Indiana. Indiana. Or Iowa.

Dru McAnelly:

Iowa was,

Cole Ingle:

he had a horrible game at time. He was so pedestrian.

Stoy Hall:

Yeah, he was like that most of the season. And just becau, Gring, his

Dru McAnelly:

red, his red zone production this year

Cole Ingle:

was not good. Not good. And you have to know who these guys are playing with. Bryce Young is playing with a set of the best linemen and the best receivers at the level of football he played and now is going into the nfl. CJ Stroud, same thing. Yep. He might be playing with the three best Receivers. Receivers in the entire draft, maybe. And Mar Marvin Harrison didn't even get drafted because he wasn't eligible. The, his best receiver is still maybe the

Dru McAnelly:

top three receivers on one team in the last 15, 20 years have called it football.

Cole Ingle:

That's comparable to the LSU trio that was there with bur, but I was stacked, so absolutely you have to perform, but there were too many times in games that are off the radar or whatever, that he just didn't, he just didn't really show up. And the talent overcame. The talent of his team overcame him playing bad.

Dru McAnelly:

And guess what, in the league there's no game off the radar, correct? No, there's no game. Correct. You have 16 games, they're all on the radar. So

Cole Ingle:

17 will 17. My bad. Yes. I think we're all in agreement on that then. So that's good conversation. We'll see where guys end up and yeah. And what happens. But let's talk quarterback signings because we've got a lot of guys who signed big contracts. We got Aaron Rodgers, who finally got signed in. New York and actually showed up to mini camp for the first time in my, a whole bunch of Packers fans throwing up and throwing stuff at their TVs as they watch him take a snap in May for the first time in what? 10 years

Stoy Hall:

at least a decade has to be.

Cole Ingle:

And then you have Lamar Jackson finally got paid. Jalen Hertz got paid. And, you've got, so guys settling in. You got Jordan Love, who got a little bit of an extension with Green Bay Baker, went to Tampa Bay. Yep. So just

Dru McAnelly:

that one's gonna be interesting.

Stoy Hall:

That one. See so you don't know this, but, so Baker Mayfield married Emily Wilkinson was her name then, but I grew her family partially raised me. Okay. So I'm very I'm very close. So I have a thing, a little bit of thing I want Baker to do. No, except for now. And I will not apologize about that because he's on the box. Yeah. But I do like the situation he's put into for the box. I'm actually a Baker guy. I like Baker.

Dru McAnelly:


Stoy Hall:

don't mind

Cole Ingle:

Baker at all. He likes Baker and Will Loveis. Sweet. That's an, that's all. If

Dru McAnelly:

you can tell. I like guys that have a little chip on their shoulder and white

Cole Ingle:

guys with a little

Stoy Hall:

moxie. Little moxie. Got it. Yeah. Got it. But yeah, no, there, there's some good signings. I, the

Cole Ingle:

Rogers in New York. Thoughts two sentences. The

Dru McAnelly:


Stoy Hall:

No clue.

Cole Ingle:

No clue. Two words. That's two words

Stoy Hall:

off. Take it. It's the Jets. Yeah. I know they're getting better. I know they played well, but there is something about guaranteed

Cole Ingle:

playoffs. No. Yes. I say yes.

Stoy Hall:

Yes. I will put a shitty shot on it. Yes. Yes. How do you guys guarantee it's gonna be one to

Cole Ingle:

like, how do it, like I'm guaranteeing that the Jets make the playoffs. I,

Stoy Hall:

I can't, I

Cole Ingle:

can't do that. If they were in, if Rogers is their quarterback, the Jets make the playoffs.

Dru McAnelly:

Remind me, was there defense any good last year? Yes. Yes.

Stoy Hall:

They were young. They were a playoff team last year. If they had a quarterback if Mike White, actually Mike White didn't get

Cole Ingle:

hurt there. Playoff team. It didn't even

Dru McAnelly:

Smith Crabcakes in here. Yeah. You know what New York's, they're due. Yeah.

Stoy Hall:

They're due. They are due. I just,

Cole Ingle:

it's a tough division though. You can speak to that. Yeah. With Miami being better are the dolphins gonna get significantly worse? No. Buffalo's, there's buffalo. And the Patriots are gonna be competitive. Yeah. Whether we like it or not. Like they might suck. Some of they love it. But it's tough division. It is

Dru McAnelly:

arguably maybe the most top to bottom, most balanced outside of n

Cole Ingle:

Ffc East, obviously

Stoy Hall:

from last year. Yeah. I, it's just a, it's a thing for me with Roger Rogers hasn't played well. Since what, two years ago? Yeah. I'm years ago. He's going to the afc so it's not just the division. Yeah. You've got the rest of the afc. You gotta deal with some issues. Yeah. That, and then he's got the media that's gonna be even more so than Green Bay. And I just, I think Rogers is on the decline that he's just not that dude. Just like Tommy the last couple years, just there was something that you can see in them that is not that sparkle.

Dru McAnelly:

I don't think Aaron takes care of his body the way Tom does. Oh, why he

Stoy Hall:

does. Jimmy, do you think?

Cole Ingle:

I don't know. I think he has a, I think this is a, gonna be a surprising year. I'm not ready to count. Let's go

Dru McAnelly:

back to Brett. Yeah. Brett goes to Minnesota. Played unbelievable. Brett goes to jets. Went to the Jets. Jets and played really well. Took him to the afc. Talk about a guy. Yeah he obviously went to rehab and, but another guy that didn't take gr his body was extreme. Way more beat up at that age than Aaron's was. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

And they got running backs, they got receivers, they got a defense like. I think

Stoy Hall:

it sets up,

Dru McAnelly:

I think Brett Far and Aaron Rodgers are, it's a coincidence, a little bit. No, no doubt. It,

Stoy Hall:


Cole Ingle:

Lamar, he's coming back off injury, just gets paid.

Stoy Hall:

Man, boy he swindled them too. Got receivers he wanted,

Cole Ingle:

so you got Deshaun Watson playing a full year in Cleveland. You've got the Steelers who got significantly better in the draft and get a year older. And they were a very young team. They got Rudolph older for picket, sorry, they've got their quarterback. And then who's the last team in that division? Bengals, bees who are, who have just proven who are the last couple years that are, they're gonna be right there. They're gonna be there. Lamar worth, first of all, worth the money. And second of all, can they finish top two in that division? I don't

Stoy Hall:

know. That division is wide open. Yep. And stacked. I personally cannot pay a running quarterback that much money. I cannot do it because they can get hurt. No. Huh. Doing anything. And he hasn't proven to be able to throw the ball like he can. But they don't dedicate it to just doing that. They still use him to run and that's that's when their

Cole Ingle:

offense is the most effective. It

Stoy Hall:

really is. But the problem is, that's the history. That's not, longevity's not there for that. No, I agree. There's not one quarterback, the running quarterback that has survived. No.

Cole Ingle:

No. And then Jaylen

Stoy Hall:

do you are, you have to pay him. No, you can't. You pay him now in what, three or four years? He's gonna be middle tiered from a pay perspective and you got him locked up.

Dru McAnelly:

His body's a little more apt to handle it, but yet every time you run, you're putting yourself at risk for injury. But Right. He doesn't, when a dude squats 600 pounds, he doesn't run that often. No. He

Cole Ingle:

smarter about taking and choosing, but yeah. Not to

Stoy Hall:

mention they could just quarterback sneak for half the game and win. Honestly

Dru McAnelly:

and not get touched. Yeah. And the amount of times they can go word on fourth down, the percentage of, have they

Stoy Hall:

decided that Scrum is illegal yet? No, they, I'm waiting on that.

Cole Ingle:

That went through the nfl. Rules this year, they didn't, did not even get brought up as a rule chain. Wow. Because that was, do you know the, we do

Dru McAnelly:

you know what the weapon that is for their weapon offense. It's

Cole Ingle:

unstoppable. Okay. Tell me

Stoy Hall:

why. And now more teams will do it this year. Can have to, you have to copycat that, right? Yeah. If you can't

Cole Ingle:

copycat league. You think the chiefs are gonna put Mahomes in there after what's happening? No, because he got hurt.

Stoy Hall:

He got hurt in sneak anyway. But

Cole Ingle:

that's what I'm saying. Every team is looking at their but you can't tell me like you have the safest way to do it.

Stoy Hall:

Also what, like the way that when Mahomes got hurt on their sneak, they didn't wedge like that? No. If you wedge it like that, the quarterback's not gonna touch. You have

Cole Ingle:

to teach it. And I think there's just teams like, it's just professional sports and sports in general. Teams are hardheaded. They don't want to make the change. That's super obvious sometimes. And it's yes, you can teach that for three yards every time, but if you're not willing to change that, then no teams won't do it.

Stoy Hall:

And I'm trying, I should, I'm still defensively trying to figure out how you really stop that. You have to submarine your other guys. You have to slant everyone else. You have to make yourself so vulnerable and backers have to fly over the top. It's

Dru McAnelly:

vulnerable, but you'd have to change personnel groups. And now when you change personnel groups, then you run play action or jump past or anything like that outside. That's what Like you're just it's it's. We talk about rich reward with offense, now you're flipping the script and it's risk reward defense. And when did we ever think we would say

Stoy Hall:

that? I think the only thing you can really do is go bear tight. Have your backers buddy ride. There's no one behind your D-line. Like you have to attack it from there and then pinch on the sides, right? And hope. Hope he doesn't break it and hope your safety back there by himself. Doesn't anyone left like that? What else could you do? That's not

Cole Ingle:

something if you do on defense though, is hope. What, how

Stoy Hall:

do you stop that? No one has to, but

Cole Ingle:

we're sitting in the, if we're sitting in the film room though, yeah. We're not hoping, we're just gonna, we're coming up with strategic. No, you're gonna, you're going,

Stoy Hall:

you're gonna say, okay, we're gonna pinch, we're gonna get low, we're gonna try our ass off. But no one's proven that. Yeah. So stop it, dad. What was the

Dru McAnelly:

yardage when they ran out? Play? Was it two or

Stoy Hall:

three? It's, yeah, they can run it from two or three. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

They can, I don't think they don't. Yeah. There was actually, a couple times, like late in the regular season against the Cowboys when they lost that game. That, I don't know why they weren't sneaking. They didn't, that game ultimately didn't matter. They also didn't, they

Stoy Hall:

didn't, most

Dru McAnelly:

quarterbacks don't squat 600 either. Correct. His leg drives the way

Cole Ingle:

that, yeah. The way that he runs that is, is second to none. We

Stoy Hall:

talked about it last year, like surprisingly, they didn't run it as often as they could have. Should have. Yeah. Yeah. You could call that on almost every third and two. Third, you're getting close. Hell

Dru McAnelly:

you call it on first down, you'd probably get five C there. You cross back, you might get

Stoy Hall:

20 drunk. Not wrong. All right, so quarterback talk. Who else?

Cole Ingle:

That's, those are the three that I had written down. Anybody else that you guys wanted to talk about? Do you think Deshaun Watson takes a step in the right direction this year, or is he just a lost cause?

Dru McAnelly:

Where's the, is everything behind him? As far as legality stuff, that's gonna win. It, you can say it's still out there. You can say how mentally strong you are, but that's gonna sit there. Yeah. I

Cole Ingle:

mean, he's actually gonna play football though, with the team for a full a year. A full off season. Yeah. A full, almost a full year from the time that you Correct. Deshawn

Dru McAnelly:

Watson. I like, I love his game. Yeah. I really do. See, I'd never liked his game.

Cole Ingle:

You didn't see I loved him at Clemson and I know you loved him at Clemson cuz Zane's

Dru McAnelly:

Zane is a big, my son's a big Clemson family. He's a diehard Hawkeye. Let's get it straight. No, I get it. Clemson's number two. So I've watched a lot of Clemson football lately. I've always

Cole Ingle:

been a fan, on the field. Tough,

Dru McAnelly:

tough, gritty leader. Yeah.

Cole Ingle:

Yeah, I just don't know. Yeah, if you can recover from that or not. You I'm not getting into, I'm not getting into the Dak conversation tonight, so we can save that for closer to the season because I just, we just don't need that. Prove that. I don't need that in my life.

Stoy Hall:

I thought, I'm pretty sure we can out vote you on that.

Dru McAnelly:

You guys story, I thought that was in your original email of the script tonight. So I, I don't know where that got vetoed. Let's talk about Dak. Obviously Cole had similar

Cole Ingle:

on the show. I would loved if we would've drafted Hinton Hooker, let's put it that way.

Stoy Hall:

Let's talk about Dak. What's there to talk about? No,

Cole Ingle:

daks Dak is Dak Kirk. Kirk is Kirk. And Dak is Dak. Oh Lord.

Dru McAnelly:

They define love hate relationships, don't

Cole Ingle:

they? Should we should we take a quick Break and maybe cool down about 10 degrees and then come back and talk golf. We absolutely can. All right.

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