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NoBS GoonSquad Sports Show
71 - Pebble time...... and Pro Bowl
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vodka, vodka. Vodka, Did you hear that? Everybody? You went with the vodka. The vodka. He's going Russian today. I don't know why. Scares me. Scares me.
Cole Ingle:Gotta get in drinking mode.
Stoy Hall:You, when you have two shitty shoes, shitty shots, however, things don't go your way. I had, I somewhat built out, actually, I need to pull it up. Our golf one from last year. And then I realized we do, there's a lot more shitty shots in the golf season. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. Think
Stoy Hall:Exponentially. Yeah. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Because we, because like golfing and drinking Yeah, it makes sense.
Stoy Hall:There's a lot more bedding to happen, right? It's, a lot more
Cole Ingle:It's a lot easier to get bored and there's a lot more things you can bet on. Correct,
Stoy Hall:correct. So yeah, that's a lot more things, but that's where we're at. Keeps
Cole Ingle:us entertained
Stoy Hall:all. So the Champion Ship Weekend Championship weekend happened. Yeah. Really the only thing that happened this
Cole Ingle:weekend, you get yours in here cuz I'm about to get
Stoy Hall:at it. Yeah. I, couldn't tell by the how many tweets you were sending. Oh my God. I felt like someone was a little hot under the collar. But championship weekend happen. It was game one just is sad. It was just a disappointing way to have a game. Congrats. Eagles, you survived. Not having anyone hurt. So you didn't really have to, they didn't really have to compete much. Nine ERs running a lot longer than I believe they should have had been. But N F L you're gonna compete. But it was just sad to see. That happened to, to Brock, obviously local kid tearing your U ucl. I don't know what that would feel like, but no wonder he couldn't throw the ball and then have your backup quarterback end up getting concussion. And now, what do you do? So that game was just meh. It was just a sad, chain of events. It was gonna happen just how you happened. Really the only thing that was of any crazyness was early on the first touchdown and should not have been, but we will, I'm sure we'll pick that apart. Yeah. As we have video evidence of that. And so that was that for me. Game one, just, eh game two. As I said, it would be, it's gonna be a sloppy under situ. and I thought my homes looked really well. Actually. He looks like he can move around very well. Two more weeks on that. It's gonna be tremendous. They need to get their receivers healthy to have a shot in my opinion, but they'll be fine. Kelsey's healthy
Cole Ingle:and that's
Stoy Hall:all it matters. Kelsey's healthy and no one ever guards him, so they're whatever. Why not cover Kelsey? That game in, I'm just pumping this up as much to you as possible. That game I, believe the best team won at the end. I, I, they were the better team throughout the game. The Bengals just, they didn't look it, their offense was are all over the place. Defense was getting driven on the chief should have had way more points, but Bengals defense held the way the game ended is what you're going to get to, which is what the world is basically upset about. I just want everyone to know that. the chiefs were the better team. The better team won. How they won is a totally different conversation. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:I'm gonna start, that's a a great great transition. I'm going to start by agreeing with you. First and foremost, I think that the, better two football teams one from an execution coaching just overall look standpoint. I feel like those are the two teams that whether you wanna say deserved, however you wanna say it. I'll put that caveat out there. I think that those were the two teams that should have been there. Item number two is, I'm not a conspiracy theorist in that I don't think NFL games are rigged. Correct. I think that things are done and things are called, I think refs may or may not be involved in some gambling stuff that prob they probably shouldn't be. Not every game, not but there's too many things that happen that you can't tell me it's never happened before, type of thing. Do I think it was the case this weekend? No. I think the NFL was in a really good spot this weekend. They had four teams and it really didn't matter which two teams won, which two games. Some shitty luck for the 49ers like you said, feel bad for'em. And then the Bengals just by not being able to block the chiefs put themselves in a very precarious position the entire game because they could not stop the Chiefs pass rush. The Chiefs didn't do all of the things I would've done in order to exploit the Bengals and the Bengals didn't have a chance to do some things against the chiefs that as far as running the football and stuff like that, simply because they couldn't block four rushers. So, those, all those things being said, the thing that I cannot stand, and the thing that I was most irritated about all weekend is that both games were ref shows. A 30, was it 31 7 final? 31 7 final. Somehow a game that was 31 to seven without, and the team without a quarterback became a ref show game. Only the N NFL can somehow screw that up. Like in a game that's 31 to seven, a team doesn't have a quarterback, puts a quarterback who can't even throw the damn ball back in the game, which, that's a whole nother conversation. What in the hell are the refs doing, making these games about themselves? In a 31 to seven game where one team can literally not throw the football, the refs should be invisible, absolutely invisible. I should not know who ref the game. I should not know any calls that were made. They should all be irrelevant, and yet we can go through that game. And the first drive that the Eagle score on is an incomplete pass of which the incompetence of the booth to buzz. Bec as they see the guy stand up, run very quickly, back to the line, knowing full well that he dropped the ball. First of all, Shanahan, throw the damn red flag. This is a, ball at the two yard line. This is, you're giving up seven points if you don't, and yet we let the play run the booth. Buzz misses the R, the challenge flag misses seven. Nothing Eagles on an incomplete pass, which was on fort down. So this isn't, oh, they would've got points. This is a clear, give the ball to the 49ers. Lose game momentum at a time that can change. Play calls moving forward because you're not down seven, nothing. Not saying that you're gonna change a tunnel of plane calls, but this just changes the whole reflection of the game. The longer the game goes, the more game pressure they were in the field.
Stoy Hall:Philadelphia doesn't score, like there's a lot of snowballs
Cole Ingle:from there. And Jalen Hertz is very much when it comes to throwing the football a comfort thrower. Yeah. If he's comfortable, he's fine. but like Lil Mar Jackson, he gets a little more inaccurate as things get a little tighter. Stuff like that, you're going to get those throws. Josh Allen, same thing like they're, when they're not comfortable, when they can't do all of their offense because they're not playing with a seven oh lead that was given to them, then that changes game plan. That changes everything. That changes how the 49ers have to play defense. That changes how long the 49ers defense has to be on the field. And all of those things change complexions of the game. That's drive one, get down then it's seven, seven, get down whatever, ten seven, fourteen seven Purdy gets hurt. Josh Johnson fumbles the damn ball away on a perfect snap. Was very disappointed because I think he was okay up until that point and that's when he probably would've been fine. That's when the nerves broke. And former PFL guy a guy that I. Personally played against a couple different times. So like rooting interest Yeah. Is that he does well. And so it was just disheartening and har heartbreaking a little bit to see that happen to that guy. And after that it was that's, that was the breaking point for me. Yeah. More so than even the purdy injury in that game. Because I think the 49ers with any type of competent quarterback play would've stayed in that game a lot longer. But he fumbles after the Eagles score on a play that was extended because of a flag on a third down where the Eagles would've had to punt next time they get the ball back. Now inside the, what, 20, 25 yard line they go in and score. So nothing with that they, didn't create a turn. That's the thing. It's like the, Eagles didn't create any of this. It's like that, that ball was dropped on the ground. Josh Johnson then had a chance to recover it and didn't, and then somehow the Eagles end up with it, run the ball and score whatever. next time they score is on a third down penalty, they punt the ball away. The 49ers guy gets blocked into, oh geez, the punter into his punting leg, which is a running into the punter. But because he fell down they gave it a 15 yard penalty, which it was fourth and sixth, he was blocked into, but then he was blocked into. So it should have been no penalty. Correct. Worst case should have been a five yarder. Again, give the eagles the ball, eagles go down and score. So that's right there, that's 28 of their 31 points or 24 of their 31 points. And then they scored again late. But again, on that drive even late was two different third downplays where they either had illegal contact or p interference. I think maybe on one of'em. And one of those was I would even call it fairly obvious, but like Hertz was completely just had no chance at this receiver. throwing to this receiver nor that receiver catching the ball ended up breaking the pocket. They called the penalty while he was in the pocket instead of, cuz you can't call a legal contact when he's outta the pocket. Absolutely. So that's all discretionary right on what you're looking at and anything like that. And again, just another place. So like now it gets to 31 17 eventually, and it's okay, it's completely over. But in order to get there, the Eagles showed me absolutely nothing other than that they needed to rely on the refs to beat a team that was playing with 50% of their football team. Did. You
Stoy Hall:forgot something that happened almost every snap too. Lane
Cole Ingle:Johnson. Yeah. So going against both ball stars almost every snap their right tackle Lane Johnson was a good half tick ahead of the snap count. The entire game. The entire game. And did not, did he get flagged any times? No. Zero times. So that that just negates a pass rush and again, to me that like at some point they're just not gonna call that and Right. Like the 49ers played through that. But that was my problem with game one is that final ends up 31 to seven, the Eagles scored 10 points in my eyes of like non ref football. Yeah. Against a team who literally couldn't do anything on offense. And so disappointment is that while I think the Eagles were a better team, that I don't think they were able to show that. And to me did not prove anything other than they rode ref coattails two A 31 to seven victory. And that can sound petty, but ultimately I think they were the better team, but the, way they, went about it and the way that it happened just doesn't feel like a good victory. No, And
Stoy Hall:we had talked a little bit about this is fact. No, it's their fault. It's, but. It's not their fault that those things happened, but they didn't step on their throat and score B what it is. They didn't dominate them the whole game. They weren't running up and down their throat and sticking it to'em. They weren't. And that's what is more, I guess for me, disappointing in that team looking at the Super Bowl. Which we won't get to this week at all. Yeah. Is the fact that okay, Eagles, you had a team that is legitimately down and out, they cannot beat you. You just go dominate them. And they didn't. No. And to me, a Super Bowl winner or a per the better team should be able to put you away early, have no doubts. We had doubts all the way through until Pro, almost halftime when he decided to go, yeah, whatever he, I don't even know how you dropped. Nevermind. Yeah. Until then. And that still a game even after that was still a game. Yeah. How do you not take over
Cole Ingle:and just dominate him? Yeah, because gain, had the best, like he was the most impressive player to me for the Eagles. Broke some tackles, made some big catches had a couple big runs. So like without him, and I'm not saying that maybe Sanders would've made those plays or, whatever. Like ultimately the Eagles were still going to win that game. But just didn't, like the look of it. Didn't like the feel of it. Didn't feel like anything other than the refs. Like just getting the eagles over the hump every time they needed to get over the hump. And when they're already, like, when the 49ers are already playing, literally shorthanded. Extremely which I don't agree with Shanahan, in my opinion. Shanahan threw in the towel by putting party back in the game and him not being able to throw Christian mc Kirkpatrick can throw the football. Yep. At least give a guy a chance that can actually throw the football. And I don't give a shit what play call. it don't matter.
Stoy Hall:You, can write plays up as
Cole Ingle:you go. Like just go tell that guy to run a post. That's guy run a dig and this guy run a hitch route and I'm gonna back up and we're gonna chunk it down the field. We're gonna give it a damn chance at least. So didn't really like how the 49ers took it specifically Shanahan mid third quarter on basically just like when we realized, oh, Purdy really can't throw at all. Don't put him in the game. The thing is you make your, you make him look bad by putting him back in the game and then don't. And he, and knowing that he can't
Stoy Hall:throw after he told you legitimately we all saw it. Yeah. I can't throw. Okay. Hold on the phone now. See this is where they took Josh Johnson down cuz of a concussion. They went through that protocol. Yeah. There has to be a protocol for normal ass injuries. Yeah. He couldn't throw. Yeah. Now could he have hurt and injured that thing? More surgery. He's probably gonna need it anyway. No, but but why risk's
Cole Ingle:disconnected. Yeah. Don't, we didn't know it at that point, but like his PCLs literally disconnected, so No matter how,
Stoy Hall:did they not, like how did they, there's
Cole Ingle:a test. I assume there's a drawer test, anything like that. The problem is it's not if he played any other position, he would've played Yeah. He plays quarterback with his right arm.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. Sadly. That's
Cole Ingle:what he is, right? That, is your livelihood. That's like a pitcher without a throwing as ball. Yeah. Or without he could maybe play catch with the catcher from 20 feet. That was a, that would be the equivalent of what they were asking Purdy to do. And again, it's not fair. It's a bad look for the team. It's so that like they, the team knew and so like they're still playing their ass off, but they also knew he couldn't throw. And it's just like at some point you're gonna stop playing. And then you had the whole body slam. Because games started getting. Awesome.
Stoy Hall:I cannot wait to show. I'm gonna put that on
Cole Ingle:repeat. So yeah, 14 times, we'll talk about that, that great. But that's game one. Just left a bad taste in my mouth. Going into game two. Game two Bengals chiefs. Everybody knew it was gonna be a good game. One team was gonna win by a field goal, give or take one way or the other. Both teams had their chances. Both quarterbacks had their chances. Neither one of them played, in my opinion particularly well. Both had glimpses of decency. Mahomes definitely wins the QB battle for the game. Gutted out the ankle which you could tell was sore, but was much better than I think anyone anticipated. Yeah, absolutely. And then play the game on the last play, even if he doesn't get pushed outta bounds, gets the first down puts himself in position where a lot of guys. just not been able to, gut through that or, make that run. You could tell he was uncomfortable pushing off of it. There's a reason he didn't do it all Game. So great, play at the end. Hated again ref show. Both sides. I just inconsistencies whole holding, not holding. And the refs missed two huge calls that mattered the most in the game. And that's not to say they didn't miss calls against Cincinnati throughout the game, but the return and then the final play of the game. You had Kansas City get five downs at one point. Again, not Kansas City's fault they're just playing the game. They ran off the field. They weren't expecting to go back on the field. They get two more downs. That was, that whole thing was weird. Didn't end up costing Cincinnati anything other than the fact that their defense had to play two more plays. So again, it's those small things that those refs are impacting where they're just flat out wrong or incompetent that have to stop. Like we cannot have that shit, right? Like it's too important. There's too much on the line for these guys for putting their bodies on the lines. There's too much on the lines for American people gambling their own hard-earned money, and you've now embraced that nfl, like you've embraced the gambling side. You are making money off of it, get your shit together and again to, screw things up that badly. And in the biggest moments just leave a super sour taste for how the game ends of not feeling like you got the full product or that you got robbed of something throughout that game because a ref couldn't make a very. Simple decision or someone couldn't buzz down and, give them information that was very obvious to the naked eye. It's one thing to have to review some stuff and get it right, but ultimately, like you can't have the huge screwups on national television and, the audience know right away and someone either not helping the refs out or the refs not helping themselves out in those moments. And just way too many of'em this year as a whole. And now in the postseason also coming to light where we're either missed calls or wrong calls are costing snaps points games, and it's gotta stop. At some point it's gotta stop. They're going to make mistakes. I completely understand that. But we have way too much technology and way too many angles that we can see instantaneously at home for those not to be corrected. And we go on with it. And the best thing they've done during the playoffs is this whole buzz down to the field, get the call right. We don't have to go to the. Video replay and stuff like that. It can't be that inconsistent. If you and I can watch and be, Hey, buzz down then, that's fine. It's 12 seconds a gameplay or 15 seconds a gameplay, which these guys are always in such a hurry to wind the DM clock and get the next play going and stuff like that. And it's man, you want to call, delay a game. 0.2 seconds after the play clock runs from zero when you wound it at 40 and now you know how much time you just wasted throwing the flag on a delay a game, you delayed the game more. So who's that? Who's delaying the game here? Yeah. Yeah, that's I just have a problem with inconsist with how all that goes down.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. The inconsistencies of the expedited review. Were just, so apparent, like from game one, obviously we've already discussed that. And, even in game two, like the chiefs had to use their challenge but then the Bengals didn't. Did but didn't because, and I'm just like, how if it's clearing obvious immediately you have all the angles,
Cole Ingle:the red challenge flags have to go, can, I mean we, that's what we've talked about, that there's no reason for'em at not unless
Stoy Hall:you give, not unless you change their purpose. Like for ruffling the pastor, like you give them other value. Yeah. Because no, they should all come around upstairs. They have every view. They should know almost immediately there's a damn chip in the football, which no one's addressed even more from NFL side. If there's a chip in the football, you should have way more data of what's going on. Yeah. And that's what kills me about now this expect expedited review is the fact that like you have all the
Cole Ingle:angles. And we've had multiple problems now in the postseason with the first down chains. Yeah. those should be digital at this point.
71 Audio Only:I'm,
Stoy Hall:I, why is there an
Cole Ingle:actual tree? There shouldn't, there's no reason for it. If there's a chip, there should be a, there's no need for a chain. What even if there's two sticks, there shouldn't be a chain on it because there should be no, there's two sticks. A, laser between there and a laser that goes across the field. We've talked about this. This is not like overtly difficult technology. This is basic, like when they go out and try to set boundary lines in a field for an acreage for building a house like they are. That these are very basic technology items that have been around for years. And
Stoy Hall:Who was it who stretched for the first down? Was it Higgins?
Cole Ingle:it was a chief receiver. Oh, it was Valdez scaling. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:Scaling. So the only reason that worked is because there was a camera on the PY line straight down the line. Straight down the first down marker. Yeah. Didn't think got to a call. I it gotten right there. I was nothing wrong with that, but you, we have the technology, just utilize it just make it what it is. And maybe it'll reduce some of these ref calls because they're not trying to do 17 things. Maybe they'll get a little better Yeah. Good luck, sorry I couldn't
Cole Ingle:finish that. Oh, sorry. Yeah, so that's I mean my rate start the day was just as good as the second game was. Again, most of the people that I hang around or am around on a consistent basis are Chiefs fans. Yeah. So that was a big win from them. My wife watched in the basement. I watched upstairs. I did find myself pulling slightly for the Bengals, but simply because. When it really started was when they got the, five Downs and they brought the entire team back on the field. Oh. And like they show that the, guy that Kemp, the ref, the, I think he was the back judge. Yeah. Come into the play post snap to blow this play dead. And no one recognizes the guy, no one slows down because of the play. They showed it all 22, nothing happens. And yet somehow 45 seconds to a minute later we're taking another third down Snap. For the chiefs after the Bengals just got off the field because that ref came in and it was a clock issue. Now that's fine. Like I understand the clock issue, either the clock didn't stop or didn't start one or
Stoy Hall:two. So, what happened? Cuz I, I was questioning it. The penalty only happened third down, whatever. He said on my whistle, the clock will run in, in 10 seconds and the play clock will both run. Correct. The thing that was incomplete and I was like, that doesn't make any sense, but fine. He knows better. Let's just roll with it. That was the issue. He said the clock will run on my whistle. When it never should have. So it took five, it was like five seconds. But the clock
Cole Ingle:if, and that's so hard to, so correctly. So I what he blew the whistle for wasn't incorrect. All of what they did was the, problem I have is why, can't you just add these you're watching, you can add five seconds back to the game without taking that play away. Because I
Stoy Hall:believe it is the, rule of that play never existed. but that the play never existed. But it did. The but it didn't.
Cole Ingle:But the play, once the snap goes, the play exists. My opinion, that guy did not blow the play dead before and no. Now if half the team stops, I get that. Nobody stopped. Nobody stopped for the bang. You No, it was watch the entire play. It was a play ball snapped. Like at that point, we're watching the clock, we see that five seconds needed to go back on the clock, the play stands and we're putting five seconds back onto the clock because the, clock ran. While the play clock ran from 10 to five, the ball was snapped at five. So that's five seconds. Very easy math. Hey, please reset the game clock to this. It'll be now, be fort down. I don't remember if the play was, I don't remember what the hell or if he caught it short. And all I know is they didn't get the
Stoy Hall:first, but they got the first effection, right?
Cole Ingle:Yeah. So and they end up hunting actually on that drive.
Stoy Hall:No they didn't. So back to that. Yeah, no they
Cole Ingle:didn't. Yeah, cuz they got, he got sacked and then it was ended up being fourth and eight.
Stoy Hall:No, he didn't, he got sacked, but it was a penalty on the defense. No, I know. But then after that,
Cole Ingle:the next play, they didn't, you're talking about eventually on the defense. They didn't give, they didn't get points on that. Not in that draft. But that's the point. Why didn't it also, why I started rooting for the Bengals. Why
Stoy Hall:didn't that's fair. Why didn't New York why, did not somewhat buzz in? I have no idea. And say you're wrong. That, see, that's the other thing of it. Just buzz down and say
Cole Ingle:you're wrong. Yeah. So I don't, that's, or the ref that's
Stoy Hall:running the clock going away or just the clock. Wait a minute. Yeah. No, this is, wrong. So
Cole Ingle:again ah, there's no perfect answer, but that's the point that I was like, all right, they're really like, okay, they're trying to screw the chiefs over here what's going on? The ples, but oh yeah, they're the, but at the same point, like just earlier than that is when they made. they allowed the Bengals not to have to challenge a play, correct? Correct. That the chief had to challenge earlier and it's just okay, that doesn't add up either. No. No. So it was just, again, like the fact that we're sitting here talking about it means that it was a ref show, which means that the f the what we got to see on the field wasn't the top product because the refs mattered more than the game.
Stoy Hall:It's championship weekend, let them play football.
Cole Ingle:And then ultimately, like the end of the game, we're gonna watch clips. Clearly in my opinion, you can watch really slow motion angles, but that's gonna be a call to late hit 10 outta 10 times. I haven't seen that missed. That's something that they're on a quarterback. Yeah. On Mahomes specifically. Clearly not running anywhere but out bounds. Had another defender closer to him pull off. Just so many things. And then you know, what you're gonna get on the other end is all the things that the chiefs did wrong holding, et cetera on that play and other plays which I don't disagree with. But you just hate to see it come to that. And, but Kerr absolutely nutted that last kick. Sure did. In really tough conditions. And he pimped the shit out of it. So kudos to them. You still gotta make the cake. Yeah. You still gotta make the plays. Just hate to see it in that way. And again feel, make it feel like the rev show at the end of the game, but at the end of the day,
Stoy Hall:we believe both teams in both games that we're the better team won. Yeah. And we're seeing what we wanna
Cole Ingle:watch in the team. Super bumps. Yeah. The teams with
Stoy Hall:weaknesses won the game. If the refs take over the Super Bowl, lose my shit. Yeah. So let's just
Cole Ingle:let them play. Hey, just wait till your No I know. That's, I know you
Stoy Hall:saw it a teaser. Yep. Into why I say that the refs will be involved. Why would we say that? I don't know. Maybe there's a reason. There's reason shitty shot number one. Ooh, blue raspberry. Yeah, that'd be delightful. He's going vodka. And vodka. That's, I don't know if that's actually considered vodka. This might be considered, yeah. Just a little core. Quick
Cole Ingle:recap. 49ers Eagles, two and a half. 46 and a half is where we had'em last week. And Stoy and special guest, Andrew were both on the Eagles, Andrew, and both on the under. So they both went three and oh, in that I was on the 49ers and the under. So I was one and two in that unfortunate mishap. And then Bengals which this ended up flipping all the way to chiefs. One and a half to two and a half even. But Bengals were one and a half point favorites. When we were talking last week, Stoy and I both took Cincinnati. Andrew took Kansas City and not only did Andrew take kids Kansas City, but I would also like to point out in, kudos to him, he called it the Mahomes ankle game. Yep. And while Mahomes had a couple of bad throws, Mahomes did throw for 320 yards. He did have two more receivers or three receivers go out during the game. Yeah. Three besides Kelsey. Basically everybody went out at some point, maybe Juju Smith, but he's been no scaling's who the Yeah. Scaling actually showed up for him. Yes. Made some good throws, but and then Mahomes had the whole scramble for the Yeah. The game winner basically angle at the end. So like he really nailed the shit outta that He did. Other than he had the over in that Bengals cheese game. Silly. The guy had a great guest appearance reminds me a lot of myself when I first called in. Yeah, exactly. And should have remained a guest. Yeah. Should remained the guest. Just kept my guest tag. But yeah, kudos one. Kudos to Andrew on that. in a great five and one week. Stoy good week overall. Four and two everything but Cincinnati there and obviously chiefs went on a game winning field goal. I was two and four, had both the unders and didn't pick a team but yet
Stoy Hall:for living on the edge, yeah, so Cole has a, he had two because we double
Cole Ingle:carryover. We had the carryover. I'll have my my, my blue raspberry and I'll have my peppermint. Here as we continue through the show. We are going to jump right into Twitter news because a lot of the stuff we are going to start out with specifically is going to be plays that relate directly to what we were talking about. Some we agree with, some we disagree with, some that are gonna show us some different angles. Just a little bit of highlighting of the game or games. Whew. Say there, I mean there's a lot say we'll probably have to skip through quite a bit today, but the Lane Johnson one I think was right. Yeah, I think it's there. Let's start with that one. So this is Lane Johnson. He's playing again, the tackle closest to us here. Boom. He's got halfway back in his right stance. And again, if you are a tackle in the NFL and you get to do that for a pass drop, you are going to win. And Lane Johnson look at that and people say, oh yeah, they miss one, sometimes the defense anticipates jumps off sides. They don't call it type of thing. Perfect snap timing. Lane Johnson did that. For a majority of the game and never got caught. Look at that, that's, the left tackle might have even been a little bit offside. Correct. And he was a whole half acount I and earlier I'm
Stoy Hall:okay with left tackle. Like com in comparison. Yeah. That's egregious. Boom.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. They're both not even remotely close now.
Stoy Hall:Apparently someone on Twitter had said that there's a weird thing about the rules that, and I'm like, no, there's
Cole Ingle:no, there's nothing weird about that rule. False. That is a false start. 100% of the time. False starts. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:There's false starts both of them, but Right. This is
Cole Ingle:half like the left tackle I can be okay with just because like you can say that maybe the center, it's like that, the defensive end that gets a Yeah. Right on the like fine. I would say that he's close, cuz at least at that point, like Kelsey's moving that wrist. The right tackle is it's not close. No, he's, that is five yards every time he
Stoy Hall:Lane Johnson is a good two yards behind before. Yeah. Anyone
Cole Ingle:else? Look where he is compared to the running, like where the running back would mesh. Like he's at the, he's at the same blocking point, making contact with one of the best pass rushers in football. I
Stoy Hall:really hope we don't, we're not seeing that in the Super Bowl. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. That, that will need to be so
Stoy Hall:same game. This is the angle.
Cole Ingle:This is the angle. It's the third angle we saw on TV of the Devonte Smith drop. You clearly see the ball hitting the ground. Same exact thing happened to scaling in the Eagles or in the Beales chiefs game. They got it right in one game, got it wrong in the other one. It's points on the board, whether it's three points or seven points. In that case it was seven points and in that case it was fort down for the Eagles. So just giving points to the other team. Absolutely. And again, oh, you gotta show the goat. Oh yeah. Oh, it So this was this is funny now. But 49ers bringing in a QB for their injured one. We, you're gonna go pull'em out and you're just gonna jump right back. We're good. We're good. We're good. Shake it off. Shake it
Stoy Hall:off. We'll be fine. Whoa, And we're back to here.
Cole Ingle:Yes. Just bad football. Yes. Trent Williams. This
Stoy Hall:will be something I will,
Cole Ingle:we'll just. I just so we're getting into it. The defensive back won't let go. Trent Williams has had enough at this point. Just his season is over and he's done with every, he's done with everybody's crap. And Trent
Stoy Hall:Williams, I like how they like ejected him. Cool.
Cole Ingle:Four minutes left? I think so. You think football cities and like teen, there's certain teams, Pittsburgh. Yeah. Chicago, like teams that are just have a toughness to'em, especially like on defense. But there's certain guys in the NFL that like, you'd like to see him take on a whole team. Trent Williams is one of those dudes. He's definitely one of those dudes. He could just take on a team and I feel like I might feel bad for the team because he is ready to take on the war. First of all, he doesn't, his season is over, but there's not one person on the Philadelphia roster or the whole Philadelphia roster for that matter, that. Trent Williams is backing down from No.
Stoy Hall:So now, and I get it, like the Eagles aren't gonna do much here because you know they're gonna the Super Bowl and whatnot. No, but no one really tried to like it. That's a couple punches.
Cole Ingle:I like that. 42 stood up and gave a shove to another lineman. It's dude, you got a death wish. Yeah. come on
Stoy Hall:bro.
Cole Ingle:This was just, yeah you just keep holding on. They tried to pull him off and he's no, you're gonna get the hell out of him. You're, yeah. Yeah. And he got off Purdy's still in there with his arm in his just broken arm in heat sleeve. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:Oh, that's not the video. Oh, is this? Yeah. Didn't we have
Cole Ingle:a video of this? Yeah. So this is the play where he gets shoved 89, shoves the guy into the punter number 24. This is, he beats him. There's no way he turns and he shoves him right into the back, into the kicking leg of the punter. The Eagles got a first down on this play. You're blocked the 15 yards and a first down. First of all, he ran into the right leg. Second of all, he was pushed directly into him after the guy just got smoked by this block because you have to call something on 89 if you're going to call something on the 49 er chair. This guy didn't willingly run into the punter. No. So there you go. That's one of the plays where you were engaged. That's seven more points for the eagles for those counting at home. That's 14 of their 31 so far that were given them by the refs.
Stoy Hall:If you were engaged that you can't, you cannot be penalty. That's the same thing. You can't do that. Yeah. So whatever whatever. We'll come back to that. Let's see if I missed anything.
Cole Ingle:All right, get started on these. So this is the the big play end of the game. So a lot of people are calling for a hold on 91, which the hold on, 91 I would argue happens each play. I don't think Hendrickson did a great job of selling the hold and or like fighting off the block. Cuz the big thing I have with this is that 57 has good inside leverage and is never beat correct. And so like you're very rarely gonna get holding the bigger hold is on 65 here. When. You hook right when you hook there and hold a guy by his arm or helmet when you are clearly beat right now. Yeah, that's holding. And that's the guy that allows him to get outta the pocket. And the bigger problem I have with this is earlier in the game, Chris Jones gets double teamed, splits the double team, and the double team immediately goes and does exactly what this guy gets. The Bengals get a 1520 yard play for it. Get called for holding. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, that's holding, like Chris Jones dominated that double team and one of the guys held like that is what it is. That's also holding, like you gotta call, holding in the biggest minutes. This is one of the more disappointing ones. This was one against the chiefs. They didn't let the big man celebrate. He probably had a good block on that play. Maybe a pancake, right? He gets called for taunting, come on the very weak dog, not the big guy. Dance a little like if. I don't know who 94 is, but if 94 would've got a sack on that play, you know what? He would've done some type of sack dance let the offensive in. Have a little fun. I'm not fun. What a terrible celebration though. So an awful celebration. Maybe give him flag for that, what you'd expect off of a, white, white guy celebration. But here it is.
Stoy Hall:This
Cole Ingle:is the, this, so this is the gunner, this is the bad one on the punt that, that set up the final play. So this is the gunner that this is the first of two terribly missed calls. So 23 gets beat. Six is beat by one of the bullets, 47 as they call them or whatever, 17, whatever. Yeah. So 17 wins against both of them and then just gets shoved in the back by 23. So there's, a first fight. Now, always he
Stoy Hall:shoved I'm, this may be a hold right there, right? So six is
Cole Ingle:holding onto him while he gets shoved. So there's block in the back, number one. So remember that that one didn't get called obviously. this,
Stoy Hall:is this the one that shows it? Oh, this is the longer one. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:So now, oh, it happens right away. Right here. 47 is gonna run up and 47 if he's smart, stops and turns around. However, there's a slow slowmo version of this play because it, it looks in real time. I saw this and texted you immediately, right? I said block in the back on 47. That's coming back. And then the play, do we have a slowmo of that one? Yeah, it's down. I didn't find it until later on. It's one of the, probably last handful of plays that I have. Yeah, right here, So this is the other angle. So 85 s in great blocking position. Here comes 47. Watch this guy go forward. Oh, with a knee in the right, in the middle of his back. Oh, who's going down the sideline? So mind you, during this play you had 23, the gunner beat. Two guys down the sideline, get shoved in the back and not flagged. And then at the point of tackle you have 47 shove. The other contained man on the punt return. So if you throw the flag on the return, it's 10 yards from, I don't know if it's from the spot of the catch or how that if you throw this flag, it's 10 yards from there. The spot of the foul. So like best case scenario, this chiefs are starting this drive from like the 18 yard line. Instead they started it from the 40. Just a game changer. Just two absolutely Game changer. Two really blatant calls that I think were more blatant than anything that happened even on the last play where the chiefs get called for. Or the Bengals get called for the late hit out of bounds, which again, I agreed with just
Stoy Hall:for feel free, like we're not gonna show that one cuz it is what? It's this one.
Cole Ingle:However, this is earlier in the game. A, nothing play. And let me be very clear. He sold it. I don't want to see a flag on this play. No, but if you're gonna call late, hit out of bounds and bear call late, hit on the quarterback and you gotta call a late hit on the quarterback. 1, 2, 3 min minutes left arm to the shoulder and no was anyone in danger of getting hurt there? No. Absolutely not. Could, but,
Stoy Hall:could bro just stood there and not got shot. You can't, to the ground debat.
Cole Ingle:My opinion, like you can't, you have to call that. That's a dumb, like if you want to tell me how dumb the play Yeah. By OSI was Yeah. Then tell me how dumb the play by Clark is. Yep. Because there's absolutely no reason in the NFL today when you know how soft they are on throwing flags on quarterbacks that this isn't gonna get called, first of all. And second of all, that you aren't just a dip shit for throwing a, an arm at a guy for no reason. Correct. And it went uncalled and again, do I want to see a flag on that? No. But we have to have some consistency at some point. And you can't decide when you want to decide football games and when you don't. Yeah. And that's just call
Stoy Hall:it's issue. And as, and that's as players and coaches, that's all we want. Yeah. Just call it the same always. So we know. What you're doing is, you're ruining a lot of things. Just ruin a lot of things there.
Cole Ingle:So tho those were the big plays. Yeah. I think from both of those games, again, that were just super irritating and just need to be taken out of the game. We did have big coaching news over the last few days in the nfl. Do you wanna jump into that? Yeah, I'm looking for him. Okay.
Stoy Hall:A little
Cole Ingle:kid. Yeah. So the fir biggest one guess in my opinion is Sean Payton going to New Orleans or going from New Orleans to den to the Broncos. Excuse me. He Bronco country. Let's ride. Let's ride. No, that is not actually Sean, that is not Shane. Sean Payton. Thank you. Looks like it. We do know That's Kevin James. I don't know. We
Stoy Hall:actually have, I
Cole Ingle:think that's what you, no, that's what it's, that's the only one I put in there. Yep. But anyways, I purposely didn't put another one in.
Stoy Hall:Sean Payton is going to be your new head coach for Bronco's country.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. And you were telling me the details.
Stoy Hall:Yep. Details are our first rounder 2023. So bye-bye. Bronco's. First rounder going to the Saints. I don't really love that. Cuz it helps the saints. And then also I think it's a mid rounder, so like a second or a third, I believe. Late second, early third for this year as well, for next year. Okay. For 2024. And then the Saints will be giving a pick as well. Years has not
Cole Ingle:been, so essentially said Bronco's. Get a head coach for a first round pick. Yeah
Stoy Hall:Let's just boil that down. Yeah. Okay. They got a first round. They give up a first round for her head coach. Okay. With the team that is defensively, they're fine, right? The offense is an issue now. Fun thing you didn't know is. Prior to that, damico Ryans defense coordinator for the Niners. Signed a six year deal with the Texans. Correct. The Broncos had swooned away him. He, they were working on a deal with him at the Broncos, and he said, Nope. And recommitted to the Texans. Okay. So the Broncos went back to,
Cole Ingle:to get Sean. Okay. I did see that. Now, Brian said, no. My question to the Broncos, my question there is what the
Stoy Hall:timeline on that was? How was how was Sean the backup in that situation? And, I don't mean that because Sean Peyton's a better coach than Tamco Ryans. Although let's be real. Bruce proofs in the pudding. Yeah. But your defense isn't the issue, right? This is what I was getting at. Yeah. Your defense isn't the issue. Hundred percent. Your offense is clearly an issue. Yeah. So why wouldn't you go get an offer to mind coach Sean Peyton, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that I was like, shouldn't it be the other way around? Yeah. But it wasn't. So Sean Peyton's,
Cole Ingle:but was he first. and then they didn't, maybe they didn't want to give up a first round pick, so they're like, Hey, if we can get Deco Ryan's, we'll never know. But that's my thought process is let's give up last less, although, and let's keep our defense really good. I Dennis, let's bring in an offensive mind, but your
Stoy Hall:defense around and you have your deans coordinator
Cole Ingle:don't disagree, but he's not gonna be the head coach. No, but he's gonna
Stoy Hall:be the defense coordinator. I don't. And now you have Sean Peyton. So I think
Cole Ingle:the bro 49ers had a pretty decent defense. So I don't think the Broncos were in danger of going,
Stoy Hall:no, they're not gonna get worse. And that was my point. Your defense is not getting worse. It can get better, but your offense definitely
71 Audio Only:can
Cole Ingle:take, but it just shows you how much Harbaugh was continuing even after he said he was going back to Michigan. people can the NFL continue to go, guys. Continued to go pursue Harbaugh in a great, I think a great
Stoy Hall:spot for Peyton. I think it's a great spot for the Broncos. Yeah. It's gonna work out very, well. Damico two. The Texans, I don't love it for him because of the historically bad ownership when it comes to coaches, but I
Cole Ingle:do like the pieces they
Stoy Hall:have there, but I like the pieces they have there. I just, it's gonna be a tough spot. For your first spot. That's my thing. But he's playing in the right division, but he is playing in the right division and he's gonna bring some nastiness to that defense. So I do like it for him. I just, I don't love it. Yeah. Okay. I don't love it. I, do love that for the Broncos though. Good for them. I'll
Cole Ingle:probably put, I've seen worse guys put in worse spots very recently when it comes to that. Rolling.
Stoy Hall:Alright. Should we tease into, What's next? Hey, if you, Hey, did you know did you know let's,
Cole Ingle:did you know, let's wait real quick. Helen Moore. Oh, we have into that one. Who, the Cowboys decided was no longer going to be their offensive coordinator cuz he was the problem. In Dallas very quickly rebounded and is now now going to be the offensive coordinator of the Los Angeles Chargers. And he gets to upgrade from Dak to Herbert and gets to have, the toys to play with there. Whether it be Herbert Eckler you've got, is it Mike Jones or, yeah, and Keenan Allen. So he's got some, good toys there in. Los Angeles and I think landed well as I think everyone expected that he was gonna get it a good job. Whether it be a, head coaching opportunity or an offensive coordinator job. I think he's, why
Stoy Hall:Is, McCarthy taking over now?
Cole Ingle:No I just think a terrible idea too. They were gonna do something. They had to blame somebody in Dallas. Yeah. Some student and yeah, I think I think he had interviewed for what, a couple head coaching jobs. So I think was it a distraction thing? Was it time for something new there? I don't know. You can call whatever you wanted. Ultimately, he didn't perform. or Dak didn't perform however, that didn't work.
Stoy Hall:I also don't know how much McCarthy is involved with IT Games. Yeah. Because he's an offense
Cole Ingle:coordinator, I don't know that he's gonna go what do you think he's gonna go back to calling plays? Sometimes I'm like, Hey, I don't let's put it on him and
Stoy Hall:With you with the Cowboys, which I, this is why Yeah. I never know with your team ever of anything that's going on cuz your owner is a psychopath, right? So how much is Jerry Jones involved with all of this? I have no clue. 100% involved, which makes it so tough to be like, how do you judge
Cole Ingle:any of your coaches? I mean 100% he was involved. Now was he involved did McCarthy say something to him and therefore they decided that more needed to go because McCarthy wasn't going to go Jerry's backed McCarthy a long time. And at some point the, any coach that comes into Dallas is going to. Neil to Jerry in some way that of most coaches aren't going to do that to their, oh, old is he 90 something? Yeah. He's not 90. He's only like late seventies. God, he's gone maybe early eighties. I don't know. Regardless. Yeah, he's he's what's holding the franchise back more than, anything in my opinion. But he is the owner, so they are the most profitable team in all of sports. So good for them good for them. I thought he doesn't on field want to win, but does he? No, I think he absolutely wants to win. I just think that he's his owners. Enemy when it comes to that. That he wants to be the reason why they're winning as well. So yeah,
Stoy Hall:absolutely. Okay. Now can we finally get to it? Let's get to the, because it's golf season, g o Oh, golf's golf Just for this week, and then we're gonna get back to football. Yeah. Then, and then we'll go to
Cole Ingle:full golf. So it's a little tease. Dive into some basketball and then back golf. And
Stoy Hall:we don't get play golf for another three
Cole Ingle:months. Oh. You gotta go inside if we're lucky. You gotta go
Stoy Hall:inside here. I still have not swung a golf club since outside. It's only your fault. It's your fault.
Cole Ingle:Yeah, I it is. Yeah. Nobody's swing that golf club for you. Not like you invite
Stoy Hall:me. So there's what, I
Cole Ingle:haven't been that much
Stoy Hall:so it's your own fault. It's golf season if you guys knew this. Lot things going on. But we're gonna
Cole Ingle:a lot of chippiness in the, golf off season this year.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. We're gonna lead with that. Obviously. We're gonna get to pebble. Okay. But until before then, yeah. We're going to lead off with our guy Phil, by the way, golf's coming back are Phil. Real. Yeah. Is popping back up a little more hits now? Yeah. Okay. So let's get Phil back out there. All right.
Cole Ingle:Wait do we need to set the stage for this? Do we have the, do we have the t flick?
Stoy Hall:Yeah, but it's not easily, yeah
Cole Ingle:So like available last week you're tour, we talked about it. So DP World Tour, that's when, that's where Patrick Reed flips the t at Roy McElroy. Basically Roy ignored him on the range. Reid had a t with his live team name on it. The old brotherly love flick of the tea back towards Rory. Neither one of them likes each other. Patrick Reed has filed lawsuits and then wants to play the, he has subpoenaed, basically
Stoy Hall:everyone. Yeah he tried to get Tiger, just
Cole Ingle:a big baby, and then Tiger just team complaints about it afterwards. So the whole thing. But Phil had a comment that we're gonna go into here on that whole situation. And then we've just got some more Phil news Yeah. As well. So here's
Stoy Hall:Phil. I thought it was a, it was great for the game. When you have controversy in the game, I think it creates a lot of, a lot more excitement and a lot more awareness. What transpired early in the week with Patrick and Rory added the excitement, added to the excitement level. Yeah. What do you, feel about his quote?
Cole Ingle:Yeah, absolutely. Like it's just a little banter back and forth. Like the whole Bengals burrow head Kelsey reaction after the game. It's not burrow head, it's Mahomes ho house that, that type of thing told Amer to shut up and Noah role hell any whether it's football, baseball, basketball, it doesn't matter. Like you just don't see it as much in golf. With getting more behi behind the scenes looks golf becoming more and more transparent. trying to play to the, newer generation. Absolutely. Can't disagree with the quote No.
Stoy Hall:At all. No, not at all. The only thing I, don't like about the situation is all the damn subpoenas that t reads do and that don't be a douche that way. Okay. The t thing. Fine. That's funny. Absolutely. And by the way, he still didn't pick it up or look at you, so I'm just saying p Reid do you, you might wanna
Cole Ingle:also figure out Rory finished off the tournament playing in the same final group as Reid and hit a mid-range putt to seal the deal on the final hole. He beat him 1900 to 1800, so they finished one two in the tournament to make it all the sweeter for Yeah. For Rory. Just to make it all better to, to finish it off. So
Stoy Hall:to be fair though if, and we're gonna, obviously we're gonna start betting on golf more. Yeah. If I was to put my money between two players, I would've, I would not put it on P Reed. No, it would not have been in close. So just say it. The
Cole Ingle:one thing the dude has proved over time is that like, When it comes to Ryder cups clutch time, stuff like that, he'll step up. He does usually deliver. Yeah. It's just the other cup thrives on that. But he also thrives on being a douchebag. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. He's just a douchebag. Yeah. He, actually and I've said it on this, on the pod before, is he has the punch me face. Yeah. There's people in the world that look, when you look at him, you just wanna punch him in the face. To me, that's pere like that. He just, whatever I'd punch him in the face. Yeah, that's right. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Phil, he tweeted this himself. Yeah. The tour doesn't allow shorts, but does allow this week's leader to wear joggers with ankle socks showing four inches of ankle. I'm not a fashion guy, never will be. But there are some things I won't ever understand, so don't, worry about it. We found it. Yeah. and I don't know who group chat, golf. Shout out to you. Good response. But this great. Yeah. If this is four inches, then guys everywhere are celebrating today. Very generous of you. Yes. And to be fair, that's not four inches, also
Cole Ingle:not four inches. But also, I cannot disagree with Phil's take. No
Stoy Hall:Those aren't payments. Like it's
Cole Ingle:one thing for that to go to, down to the edge of the sock or something like that. Like that I get That's the Euro style is the euro, like that Euro style. But those are even short for Euro standards, in my
Stoy Hall:opinion. And anymore we'll see if that's the new new tick of the
Cole Ingle:year. Yeah. Not a, I don't know, whatever. Not a great look. But Sam Rider also didn't deliver on Sunday, so kinda shit the bad.
Stoy Hall:We've seen that's a theme this year. Yeah. By the way. Yeah. With players who have legitimately finished
Cole Ingle:People, not closing well, so I,
Stoy Hall:yeah. I, want someone to put this together for us, though. when you sent this and I, I have already seen it, but like that just, that's Brady. It looks like the same shit that happened with Brady of lost a whole bunch of weight, just a whole bunch of weight and like it didn't work out well for Brady. I just want everyone to know that sunk in everything sunk in and Phil's saying this is, he's down to his college weight. I don't know if that's good. And then here's some side by side three months apart.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. And like Phil's whole diet, like when he started losing the weight was like that whole either coffee or tea thing where he like basically starved himself all day and then we're weak and then and so to me, this is what happens to your body after you continue to do something like that, your eyes start bugging out and you're, he's obviously, in my opinion, maybe he's doing well now mentally, but gone through a lot of shit. Gone through a lot of stress. Yes. And it seems to me that his face is showing that correct now, great. That he's down to college weight and stuff like that. So there's hopefully some benefits to his health there. But again, like on the surface it looks like it's been more detrimental to his health overall than we shall, but he's expecting to have a good year. Said he, his body feels good and that he's in a good spot. So all I'm
Stoy Hall:saying, all I'm saying is Brady went through this and all of a sudden he went shitty. Yeah. Golfers who lose a bunch of weight really doesn't help you hit the ball with ma. You don't have your mask anymore. Phil was a feel player. That's almost tough to say. Yeah. Phil's a feel player. Phil feeler a feeler. Yeah. And when you change your body comp, he says he's swinging better and all that. Okay. I'm just saying a hundred percent. I won't be tracking him, by the way, so it doesn't matter. No, because he's definitely not on the tour that I watch that's all
Cole Ingle:right. You can get him on the cw. The what? Yeah, exactly.
Stoy Hall:All right. So there it is. We're back.
Cole Ingle:We're back. Max Homa was a winner last week. Homa,
Stoy Hall:did you brought from Pie Back? I didn't. Why didn't I send that clip? The clip that they interviewed him going down the fairway. Yeah, they're starting to do that more now, like the Euros
Cole Ingle:have been doing for, so he the ever the first one on the PGA tour Live match, live round, yeah. To be interviewed at basically as he's playing his ball, so hits off the key. He was, he's wearing an earpiece the entire time, or like a Bluetooth headset or whatever. Just like what we've seen in the match and stuff like that. So he walks down the par five, talks about what he wants to do on his next shot, which he, doesn't end up doing actually. Hits his next ball, actually into the side of a big ass bank with a sand bunker and some really shitty, rough, basically where he said he didn't want to go and he finds Yeah, the place he was avoiding, he finds his ball, marks it with a t, makes a snide comment basically involving Patrick Reed cuz it, his ball ends up being embedded. Yeah. They've gotten a lot of rain there and stuff like that. So the ruff was really gnarly as a rules of official come check it out. Rules of official said yes, it's embedded. You can take a drop. So they go through that, whole thing while he's talking, talks through the next shot and finishes the hole with him. Talks about how he was tired from climbing up the Bunker Hill. So like just a very. you and I out on the golf course type of conversation. Very humanizing. Saw him hit a, couple of shitty shots and proved that you can still do that type of stuff and win a golf tournament. So it was just cool to ski. It was that was on, I think that was on
71 Audio Only:Saturday.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. I, think we'll see more of it. I want to see more of it. Yeah. Do I want it on every one of them? Every, no, I don't think it needs to be everybody. But tune in every now and again cuz it's a lot better than those announcers. And what I like the most about it is you get to see, cuz usually we cut from a shot to a shot, to announcers, to a commercial. That's all you never get to see them walking around what is going on from behind the scenes. And that's really cool to see every now and again.
Cole Ingle:Yeah. And cuz he was waiting on the par five to get his second shot. And so they literally asked him like, Hey, what do you think about in these moments? And he is think about having a cool accent. Accent. I think about this think about what I'm gonna eat. I think about what I'm gonna do with my kid later. Like just very, again, humanizing very good conversation. Home is one of the best when it comes to social media, if not the best. Oh, he's hilarious. Just as far as being open, being a guy that doesn't take the game too seriously. But at the same point when they asked him, they're like, and he's in the next 30 seconds up to leading up to my shot I'm gonna focus in on my shot. No, you're not gonna talk to me. We can do that. Like, where he can separate game and personal, there's some guys that can't, there's some guys that you know, like they're not gonna be the guys we give the mics to on the course, and those are gonna be your old guard type of guys. And that's fine. Not, we're not asking every PGA tour or player out there to do this. No. To do it. But the guys that are comfortable doing it, let's do it. Yeah. And let's get an inside look at it. I honestly like Tiger in his prime. His dad would not in a million years have ever allowed him someone to put a microphone or anything near him, anywhere near him. No. And so some of that I think is just the old, guard, new guard thing. Tiger. Now Tech will do it and he will do it. He'll do it now. He'll do it now. But like never in a million years. Now it wouldn't have been a thing then, but there still would've been guys like John Daley. You could have done that two at any time. Oh, there's just certain players. Could you imagine? They would've been just imagine, that they would've been okay doing it. And then there's certain players that like just wouldn't, which is fine. And, that's, but it needs, that's good happen. But it's just weird that Tiger is, would've so much been not the guy in his prime and would be now. And now he's going to. So I assume we'll hear from Jordan. Assume we're here, from Rory. Tiger. Guys like that. I
Stoy Hall:bet Tiger. The first one they do is at Augusta. Didn't see unless Augusta says no
Cole Ingle:to doing it, which they could as well. But definitely something to look forward to. But is golf.
Stoy Hall:Yeah. Getting back into it. So I gotta go swing. But that's it. Golf's coming. And that's what we're gonna get into. I'm gonna get a refill cuz I want it and I need it. Need it while you pull up the do you need help? Yep. Or do you need help with that? Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Shit.
Stoy Hall:Maybe. So football's done, baby.
Cole Ingle:It's a sad day. I had to call my wife, have her come open this for me.
Stoy Hall:You need to figure that shit out. Just walk away.
Cole Ingle:Just walk away, bro. Your teeth,
Stoy Hall:ie. The glass off and chug it. I don't
Cole Ingle:light fence. There's some residue on there. You can definitely tell. Oh yeah, I have seal in there. Yeah. I don't know what the residue is. They glued some bullshit just to fuck with
Stoy Hall:you. All right. So what we will do going forward is you're gonna get that sheet. And you're gonna get details. And we're gonna make a, thing with Bob. Ooh. A singer, majig. And that way we'll, post it up there. As we talk through this, you'll be able to see exactly what the hell we're talking about. And go through it. And, to let you know. So go back to overall standings. Let's new season. Okay. We do have to agree onto some rules that we ran into last year. Hey so we just need to verify in that you all hear us and we can record it because someone of us, just one of us likes to not agree to things that we agreed to. Hey. And throw fights about them later. I don't know about it. Whatever. We are
Cole Ingle:going to do Ryan. Ryan.
Stoy Hall:Ryan. Damn. Ryan. We do an overall points for this season. Yep. Winner of each category, and we'll get through the categories as we go, but winner of each category receives three points. There's only. Two of us. So we're gonna go three and one, right? If we tie, guess what, we both get those points. If you miss a cut on all categories outside of the player to fade, you get zero points. Now you do have, if your player to fade wins shitty shot. Okay. Yeah. You get extra points if you have an outright winner. So we choose outright winner one and dones top 40 black stallion, which is 500 to one odds or greater. And then we do player to fade. So the one that you think is gonna do worse that week and their best and hopefully the best fade. Yep, you get extra points if outright, outright winner wins. Yep. Get extra five points if your player to fade is really good and decides to win the tournament. Just happened. Yeah. You lose five points. Okay. So shitty shots. How do we earn them? The two that are always gonna be there or outright renter if they miss the cut shitty shot automatically. Yeah. For anybody. Could be both of us. And if your fade wins, also automatic shitty shot. Yeah. We will also have side bets periodically. It happened a lot last season. And then so last year we had this situation and we were talking through it about, so you're outright, winner. I can't say that really easy for you to say
Cole Ingle:it. Jesus. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:The guy who wins, fill the killer out. I could say that. Whatever. Yep. Is a he misses cut. It's a shitty shot. But what about your one and done? That was an argument you had. Was, should your one and done Also, if they miss a cut, be a shitty shot.
Cole Ingle:You don't want'em to miss the cut. But we already have a lot of shitty shots, so I don't know that it's necessary. I agreed. I think if, either one hits, it's one if both hit, it's still one
Stoy Hall:so no. Okay.
Cole Ingle:But you tell me.
Stoy Hall:All, I'm saying is your fade to win doesn't happen that often. So that one is rarity. Yeah. So really you only have one a week. Unless we up our side, I mean we do get aggressive with side beds. No,
Cole Ingle:we golf, we're always aggressing with So we're good with those. Yeah. Okay.
Stoy Hall:Automatic she shots outright. Winner miscut, shitty shot. Your fade wins. Shitty shot. And then our side bats, side buttons. Cause we always have at least two of those. Yes.
Cole Ingle:It's aggressive, seemingly
Stoy Hall:NuLu. New little spin I wanted to add to you was Yep. Season total. So we just did it. for shits and gigs. What about this year? The winner gets to choose the charity that the Loser donates to.
Cole Ingle:Okay. The board for that. What are we, doing? Do we wanna do like weekly pot? We do
Stoy Hall:weekly Pot. So then we do
Cole Ingle:A and so then it just grows. Like we each have,
Stoy Hall:like I said, we set a number. And if you lose, then we're, instead of season points, we're tracking,
Cole Ingle:we're doing season, charity season totals, season charity dollars. So whether it's five bucks a week, whatever whatever we want to do I can get on board for that. And then a season point winner, that's 20 more dollars to the pot. Yeah. Or whatever it is. Yeah. I like that.
Stoy Hall:You like that? Yeah. I don't know how many weeks there. I don't remember a
Cole Ingle:lot. It's called, it goes on for a while.
Stoy Hall:Was there 20? This's two, five bucks cuz it ends up, it's
Cole Ingle:gotta be around a hundred right? Five bucks a week. And then$20. pot sweetener. Yeah. At the end of the year. Absolutely. I like it. Everybody wants I like it, everybody. I already know my charity, so that's good. I'm the treasurer so I might switch
Stoy Hall:up charity. Yeah, that's fair. Huh? May maybe sprinkle wrap. Yeah. There we go. All right. So there it is. All right.
Cole Ingle:Let's Very good pep bull jump in. So fun week that we happen to be starting this year again. There's already been a few tournaments to start the year, but the Pebble Beach ProAm and tournament is this week pebble Beach, California. Big things to watch this week are the problem itself. Had a note here. Notable NFL slash X NFL players playing in the ProAm this week, this year. Josh Allen, who is skipping the pro. He's skipping the Pro Bowl. Skipping the Pro Bowl. Yep. Go play, which we really didn't talk about the Pro Bowl that much. We can maybe hit on that a little bit after golf, but yeah, maybe. Yeah. There's some fun changes to the Pro Bowl
Stoy Hall:stuff that should play. It'd be definitely, we'll hopefully get a bunch of clips cuz it's tough to Yeah. Some things we just don't know yet, right? We don't
Cole Ingle:know yet. So yeah, we, maybe we will just hit on it next week after it happens, but yeah. Josh Allen said no to the Pro Bowl. Tyler Huntley of the Baltimore Ravens Yes. That Tyler Huntley is a Pro Bowl. Can someone explain that to me? No just everybody else said, no, I'm not diving into the weeds on that. So there's a reason why Pro Bowl has been written out of people's contracts and it's, you gotta make all pro different because of that different vote because of that shit. Larry Fitz. Aaron Rodgers, Steve Young, and Alex Smith. Either former N F NFL or current n f L players playing in Love it. The celebrity Pro am this week at Pebble Beach. So that will be fun to watch. Decent field overall but not it always is a not a strong field. You're definitely gonna see some names that got, but
Stoy Hall:Fitzpatrick Ho Hoveland spe Mcneley Power Hogue Putnam. Kucher. Mitchells you're getting, and then you're start,
Cole Ingle:then it's you got five, what I would say five notable names there this week,
Stoy Hall:but I think the Pebble's been dying 5, 6, 5, 6 years. Just the strength of the field has gone down.
Cole Ingle:You you have the rules now where. you do have to rotate within the tour and make sure that you're playing all of these events. So it's one where guys will start the swing. And this will be an event that they maybe don't play next week. You've got the Phoenix Open which is a huge event. Guys love to play. That's a big deal. And there's a hand, most of the young guns love to play in that event. Now some of the old guard probably not as much so you'll see a little switch there, but most of the pop, there's big popularity in the, Phoenix Open next week. Not to mention it's gonna be held at the same time in the same city as the Super Bowl. It's going to, I told my wife Epic of last night, before, if I had too much money, too much time, there would be one place I would be for a full week. I would have already been on a plane. two Phoenix would be Oh yeah.
Stoy Hall:Cuz I'm playing camping out courses all this week
Cole Ingle:in playing. So I would've played yesterday. I would've left on Sunday, got there, got settled in. I would've played Monday, I would've played all day Tuesday. So two different courses, probably maybe four different courses even. Just depending, yeah. On what I could get on. Tomorrow I would be walking, I say tomorrow, this would be all, it'd be next weekend. I would get there on Monday, Tuesday. Yeah. Wednesday I would walk the course with the players at the Phoenix Open, get to see everybody take that all in Thursday, Friday I would be in the stadium walking around. And then in the stadium Saturday, depending on what's available, I would probably golf again at some point, either Friday or Saturday. One of the two maybe flip flop that. They also have concerts after these, after this event. And then Sunday I would want to be there for the golf and then I would have myself ushered from the golf course watching the final to the Super Bowl to the suite. Cuz I have an endless amount of money at this point. Yeah. And an endless way of being able to get places. And then I would also spend Monday there golfing. So it'd be just a full week. But she kinda looked at me and I was just like, no. That would be like one of the dreamiest weeks ever. Of ev of her like for my passions, just to align my passion bucket to steal one from DP show. Yeah. My passion bucket would be full. That would be pretty last
Stoy Hall:year. Amazing. Last year this was all, a week earlier. It was this week, it was my, it was Super Bowl Sunday on my birthday with that. That would've been the week to have it like just birthday, super Bowl and, oh yeah, Phoenix Open, let's go. Let's do it. But yeah, no, I definitely wanna get down there. It's always Phoenix is always gonna be around my birthday, so it was a Super Bowl, so I'm always down. That'd be a fun one. Yep. That'd be a fun one. But yeah, it's could be. Now that we're on to Phoenix and I have back
Cole Ingle:to Pebble again. Got, I've got ins for tickets back to Pebble no no reason not to. Yeah, so quick weather. Not gonna do really too much of a course. Breakdown. Quick yardage breakdown PGA National Champions Course, Palm Beach Gardens, 7,150 yards par 70. That's
Stoy Hall:not the right breakdown buddy. No different course. No, it's not. I didn't type any of that in. Oh no, that's just from leftover. Oh, I didn't delete it. So PJ is not Pebble for those that are Oh, that is, yeah. Sorry. My bad. It's okay. It's it's early. It's been, yeah. Who puts in here? I just copy and pasted it from Yeah, I see that now. We just never
Cole Ingle:did. That's all good. Yeah, that's not Pebble Beach. Regardless, hence reason I
Stoy Hall:said you need to take notes.
Cole Ingle:Yeah, take notes. I just looked at the weather. Friday. Let's go with the weather. Aren't know. Shit. Thursday through Sunday gonna be somewhere between 57 to 60 degrees. Chance of rain on Friday for a couple hours. Chance of rain on Sunday for a couple hours. No storm systems, any wind. Wind. What's the wind top? It's like Friday. Top wind I saw was. 12 to 14. That's gusting, but mostly five to seven. Ah, I don't really see any damn conditions that are going to,
Stoy Hall:damn. Just gonna be just to gettable
Cole Ingle:conditions. Yep. So yeah I, just think we're gonna see a low score win it. Okay. And early on these, most of these courses aren't looking to they're not gonna break you. We did see last week 12 under through two rounds and the final winning score was also 12 under the rough was tough and the wind definitely tough. Was tough. We're not seeing that. So that made happen. Yeah. Things difficult, but still 12 under, so it's not like the course. We didn't see bird's or anything like that. The big thing last week, They, you couldn't hit the ball outside of the fairway and be rewarded which was refreshing That won't be as much of the case. Pebble Beach is a shorter course more country club style, certain guys and west coast guys and certain styles that fit this a little bit better where guys are just com it's a pretty comfortable course overall. Definitely can get in some trouble in some places, but for the most part scores should be pretty decent here. All right, thoughts, feelings on the week. No,
Stoy Hall:zero cuz I really haven't been watching much. I know ho Wass hot and know those guys are playing but haven't followed golf too much. Hadn't heated up. This is the, usually when I kick off is pebble. Cuz you know, football is over, we're getting college basketball. It's just this transition time. Overall for myself. So I really don't, I won't have much, I'm gonna stick very chalk probably related to most of these. Okay. As we get through'em. But we'll have you've got FanDuel pulled up. Yeah, I'll have, so any top 40 beds right now? No, I only, I'm only seeing top 20. So same, for, we'll have to adjust. Adjust accordingly. Adjust on the fly. Yep. So we'll always pull up FanDuel and DraftKings cuz specifically in golf they are, they drastically are different. A lot of times football. Nah. But they
Cole Ingle:will be, here. Yeah. One and done picks. Are you doing the one and done
Stoy Hall:pool this year? I'd never gotten an invite. Did you? Yeah. You did. I didn't get an invite. Okay. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. So we have to run on your one out the, yeah. Forgot some way to
Cole Ingle:track it. Track the one and done. Yeah. My one and done pick this week is Shames power has performed well at the course and just notably does fairly well beginning of seasons. He is a plus 1900, which is,
Stoy Hall:who's doing the one and done jmj? Huh? Not under the same thing then, huh? Yeah I'm in it.
Cole Ingle:I don't know. That's, exactly where I fill my pick out every week. Not this year. Not this year.
Stoy Hall:Not this year.
Cole Ingle:Last 1900. Shamus power number five. I think T five overall. 2, 3, 4. Yep. T five. Him and Tom Hoy. Tom Hoy is the defending champion here. Struggled at the end of last year, but has recouped Yeah. To start this year, so I can't bad at it. A popular pick. Top three picks here at all are all at plus 1100. That is Spe Fitzpatrick and Holand, as you mentioned those names earlier. And going down the board, you're gonna see some familiar names, but you're gonna see a lot of names.
Stoy Hall:I like a, kucher early on. Yeah. Like he early on season, Kucher wins, those types of things. I don't know if Pebble. He Pebble doesn't suit him drastically. I'm trying to think of where else I would use someone else. I like Shamus a little later too. I don't know how I'm gonna track this and remember it. I'll we'll track it cuz I'll know who's on there, but I'll just put him on here. Yeah. Let me go with Hogan. I'm gonna go back to backs. Tom Hoy come back to back. Let's, go back to backs.
Cole Ingle:Tom Hoy also at plus 1900 on the one and done
Stoy Hall:so on. Draft Kings. He's
Cole Ingle:2200. 2200. Like that. What's power? 19. 19. Yeah. So you get a little bit little bit more love on the Give me I'll you the love. You can find the love. Take the love one, the love. Give me the love. So one of my one and done mantras this year has been. to be more aggressive early on. B aggressive. So far it hasn't really paid off for me. I've been aggressive in the wrong direction, so I've already used like Xander Chalet has already been used. I've already used all Taurus. So just going with, oh no guys that I thought might win a tournament. Yeah, early. Every week so far we've had multiple winners. As far as people who picked the guy who's won well multiple times, meaning we've had rollover in, in first win pots cuz you had to have the solo win in order to get the payout on that. So have been trying to stay like a little bit off the beaten path, but at the same point that it's also something I talked to Andrew about. And unfortunately I haven't get gone with his picks as much as I probably should have. I'm gonna have to start following Andrew more. Probably it comes down too. Based on everything that I've seen so far, he hasn't led me astray and yet I've ignored him. So that's what I'm good at. Just ask my wife. Outright winners. You said you're going scratch you just, you're just going straight to the top of that leaderboard. What's your feel here?
Stoy Hall:Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna look at it. I'm gonna look at it. Being my first tournament, and I'm picking all year. Yeah. This Now I, should probably pick from the top five. Yeah. What am I going to, okay. I, this is. I like I, like him early too. Keith Mitchell is just someone who I don't know what he is done this year. Again, I've done zero research this year on golf, but I've picked him last year before around this time period, and it's worked out well for me. Keith Mitchell?
Cole Ingle:Yeah. All right. Winner. You got a number on him?
Stoy Hall:Yeah, he is. Oh, dear Lord, it disappeared. Plus 3,500 on Draft Kings. He is
Cole Ingle:3,300 on Van.
Stoy Hall:Keep going with Draft Kings. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Let's see here. Keep playing this week. What are you looking for? Taylor Montgomery has been playing really good golf this year. I think he's taken a week off. He's a guy to keep a, I'm keeping an eye on. Okay. Off young guy, off to a hot start this year. Pick him next week. But yeah, this week not gonna be the case. I think that this week I am going to go Matthew Fitzpatrick. Haven't seen, he hasn't played state side, so I'm a little hesitant from that perspective. But this is a good
Stoy Hall:course for him to not be playing stateside to come play stateside though.
Cole Ingle:Correct. Just not a guy that's going to be expected. to do much from a ProAm standpoint. He'll probably play in it and stuff like that, but he's just not as notable as like spe can in my eyes, maybe get a little distracted. McNeely up and coming American guy. Yeah, I think that Fitzpatrick can come in, get a win. I do really like power to finish strong. Fitzpatrick's 1100 on Indu, same on. Okay. Same. So yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go that's why we have an outright winner. Doesn't doesn't have to be somebody that comes from way back in the pack. It seems like the cream is rose to the top here early in the season where we've seen a lot of lower guys maybe contend stuff like that, but it ultimately, like they've blown leads. And those guys behind'em, there's been a lot of chasers in the chasers have successfully Yeah. Caught up in the fourth round dark Horse or do you want to go to Player to Faith? Let's just go in order this week. Yeah, let's go in order. Dark Horse, we call it dark Horse. The Black Stallion of course. Here. 5,000 or more. Plus 5,000. And
Stoy Hall:for no other reason than because I like saying his name right now. Kurt Kama. And what's he at? Plus 6,000. What's he at over there?
Cole Ingle:Kurt Baby, where are you at? Oh, hey Kitty, Yama plus 7,000 over here. Hey, let's jump back over. This is why you look at both sides, folks. I'm going with Ryan. Oh yeah. Traditional golf course. Obviously a golf course. This guy's probably played a lot growing up in a golf family. Pure circumstantial, but plus 10,000, 11,000
Stoy Hall:on, oh
Cole Ingle:dk. Yep. Has played in golf tournaments that that matter has played good golf. So gonna look for him to take an outside chance at it and, come in for w For w. Yeah. Get the black stallion dub to start the year. All
Stoy Hall:right, let's change that to top 20 cuz we don't have a top
Cole Ingle:40. We have don't have that option. Top 20 pick. Let's go. And they have to be finishing positions. What was our rules? That's the thing. They couldn't be,
Stoy Hall:plus they had to be plus.
Cole Ingle:So we want to go plus do we want to go top 20 and do we want to go either. Do you want to go to plus 200? Yeah, we can do that. There's only a handful of guys that would be inside of that. Yeah. There would be one guy that I would for sure play that's inside of that,
Stoy Hall:but
Cole Ingle:top 40. Do you still want to do top 40 or do you just wanna do top 20? Just do top 20. Top 20. Okay. So we'll switch that because there's not top 40. This week there's not. But like weekly there might be, yeah. Weekly we'll go
Stoy Hall:top
Cole Ingle:40, but, okay. So top 20 this week. And we're saying our caveat is they've gotta be plus 200 or better to finish in the top 20. Give me bo
Stoy Hall:hala bo big bow solid rookie season last year. I think he, it's time for him to turn it around. This will be the time plus. I have no idea how he's playing for two 40 plus two 40. Yeah.
Cole Ingle:Big Bo Hala. See here. Oh. I will go with a guy that I've seen on the leaderboard. A few times this year. He's been playing some pretty decent golf. Overall, I think I am going to go with Eric Vanian. He's been playing a little bit solid and if he can continue just doing that he's at plus 300 to finish in the top 20 okay. Okay. I'm gonna have to play some good golf again. Yeah. What he's been doing, what's he on? DraftKings.
Stoy Hall:Oh shit. Three 50.
Cole Ingle:3 53 fit. I like that. Another guy that I'll just mention here, maybe he's outside but a guy that I really like this week is Andrew Putnam. Playing good golf and been, yeah, and we'll play this. What's he on this one? 25. 1 25? Yeah. And he's plus one 40 on FanDuel. So just won't fit the criteria there. But that's just a, definitely another guy that I looked at this week. And I think we'll have a, solid showing. Last but not least, our player to fade and remember, our player to fade is someone who is T 10 or better, basically. Yeah. Someone that is expected to play well that will fade right from the bunch that for whatever reason, whether it be course bias recency bias or anything in between that we don't think is going to do quite as well as everyone is protecting them to do. This week. They had to be top 10. Is that what
Stoy Hall:t it could be T 10, so sometimes that'll get us 14 guys. Let's see. So they had to be in T 10 from a bedding perspective, and they we do it based upon their difference between their starting position and their finishing position.
Cole Ingle:I'm I'm gonna go with spe.
Stoy Hall:See, I sticking that same damn thing. I'll, I'm
Cole Ingle:gonna jump in there first and Yeah, go ahead. You wanna follow you again? SPE was plus 1100, is he plus 1100. 12 plus 1200. He's
Stoy Hall:two here.
Cole Ingle:Is anyone T2 here? Okay. And he's one of T1 Mine, so I get the one, right? Yeah. So make a note on that. He's t1 because it's, number of finishes away, right? Yep. Yeah
Stoy Hall:I'm going with Holin. Okay. Only cuz the last time I saw him, he decided to shake and choke some stuff away. That's literally the only reason. Yeah. Although I looked up, he's playing fine this year, but just
Cole Ingle:saying. Yeah. We haven't seen him in, the States really much so, that's where I met. He's also T one
Stoy Hall:or one. I'll take that then, right? He's the two over here.
Cole Ingle:Take the one. Yeah him Holin and him spe are all tied out plus 1100 on also. So there it is. Yeah. So we're both taking the top two guys to not be. The top two guys or finish really chock fires further outside. Kind again when the field is not as strong, you're gonna have that. I think we both have correct feelings on guys that might further finish further outside of that. But that's what we're looking at this week. So you are looking at Tom Hoy and Keith, Mitchell. I'm looking at Shamus Power and Matthew Fitzpatrick black Stallions, Kurt Kitty Yama and Ryan Palmer. Top twenties for Bo Hostler and Eric Van. And any side bets this week? I just got nothing. I got nothing this week from a, just more so from a standpoint of just not being fully engrossed. We can
Stoy Hall:side bets in the game the dodge ball and yeah,
Cole Ingle:so flag football. So quick. This'll be a good, wrap up here. Yeah. So that let's kind of golf for this week. Again, we'll be really ramping up here February, March, obviously into the Masters in April. But the Pro Bowl is gonna be our filler this week for football, and they're doing things a little differently this year. In the NFL on Thursday night at seven o'clock on espn. You can watch the initial start of the Pro Bowl stuff. And I had some notes here on it, maybe on this page. They are doing a skills show. The thing where I really feel like they're screwing this up is there's no, no fans at this. Yeah. It's, I don't understand. Which I think they'll eventually get to. I think it's just in, in test phase. But they're doing all of these items live. They're doing dodge ball. So it'll be four teams of five. You'll have an AFC offense, AFC Defense, NFC Offense, NFC Defense. The two AFC teams will play each other. Then the two NFC teams will play each other winner. The top two teams from each one. The winner of that gets, points to either the AFC or N ffc If they win they have then a lightning round, which is 16 players from each side. AFC and nfc, they do a three-part elimination challenge. First one is tossing roll water balloons back and forth at the farthest distance. If you go through that they're doing a punt catch and then a bucket dump of which they're aiming at a target to dump something water or something onto coaches that are standing underneath these bucket. Winner of that is going to get points. They're doing a long drive. This will be a fun one. There's four players from each conference. I haven't seen any names on this. No, I haven't either. Which is a little disappointing. I assume. Rogers and Allen, this is pre-taped, so this has already been done. My understanding. Oh, really? Yeah. Then Allen that's how a Alan's playing in the Pro Am this week because he won't be there for that. So I assume like Rogers, Allen, that's kinda league
Stoy Hall:golfers. Is that live? I didn't know that.
Cole Ingle:That's my understanding on the long drive is that it's the only one that was pre-taped. What's the point? Nevermind. Yep. Yeah, four players from each conference, winning conference will win that. It'll just be like a long drive competition. Have to hit it so far, have to hit it in right. In play if you will. I think it's three swings, each guy or anything like that. Then you have the precision passing, which we've seen in years past. The thing that they're adding this year. So they're doing, and maybe they've done it in years past, I haven't paid that much attention, but they're doing two quarterbacks from each NFC and afc, but they're also doing one non quarterback. Ooh. From the NFC and afc. That'll be and then there's a best catch. So like similar, I think. Yeah. Try to mold your mind towards like dunk contest. Yeah. Of guys being creative in order to catch the ball. That's all on Thursday. The only thing that I can see parlays over into February 5th Sunday is that the best catch finale has a finals. Yeah. Which is Sunday. Then they do the grid iron gauntlet, which is just the relay race. Yep. They've done in the past. They do a move the change, which is basically their version of tug of war, but they're pulling a wall. So it's a timed event of. basically taking chains and pulling a wall. So like you have to get creative on how you're gonna do that work together as a squad and pull the wall a certain distance in a, certain period of time. And then you have the kicker punter, long snappers getting involved in kick tack toe Which I think is just what it sounds like. They've gonna, they're gonna have targets out there and you gotta win in tic tac toe by hitting your targets. And then all of that is going to be followed up by seven on seven, seven flag football games. There are a couple games being played. I don't know if it's before or leading up to, but like then the finale will be a final game. Yeah. Of some sort. So not exactly sure how that's all gonna be divvied up. So I'll be interested to see the fanfare on that. There will be fans at that's happening in Vegas.
Stoy Hall:How do you, feel about, so is everything Thursday
Cole Ingle:pre-filed then? No, Thursday's live except for the, golf.
Stoy Hall:So what happens Friday, Saturday?
Cole Ingle:Nothing. right? Yeah. Weird. It's just weird. Yeah. The whole thing's weird, but you just do Saturdays, they're basically live events on days that they think they're gonna be, they
Stoy Hall:play that's popular. No, that they would play football Thursday, Sunday, Monday. I fine,
Cole Ingle:but what are you doing right anyways? And like the Thursday event is not in the same city Thursday somewhere, and then Sunday's in Vegas. I don't think Thursday's in Vegas. Anyways I could be wrong on that. It
Stoy Hall:could, but I'm not, it could be
Cole Ingle:fun. It'll be different. They are having the little kids seven on seven finals leading, so I don't know if they're starting those at noon or if those are at like 11 and they're leading through noon. That'll be on ESPN beforehand. But they're holding them in the same place. You'll have the little kids seven on seven finals and then you'll lead into Got it. Got the pro skills. So like they've got the right idea. I like that the NFL is being proactive with just trying to be entertaining when, because they know that their game product sucks when it comes to an all-star game and always will. Unless they change the time of year that they put it at or something like that. It's just never gonna change. You're never gonna have the best guys playing and football's tough to show off like nba, like you can have your best guys do some cool shit type of thing. Yeah. Like during an All-star game or weekend nfl, it's just like nothing Pat Mahomes is going to do is gonna be cooler than what he does on Sunday. Same thing for Josh Allen, like you're just not gonna see like those receivers, the end, they can make acrobatic catches and stuff like that, but everything that happens because of how the NFL works is cooler. when it happens in a game, then the showcase that you're putting on, it's just tougher to put on a showcase for that thing. Hey. So I think they're doing a good job of, it's
Stoy Hall:gonna be way better than the actual football game. Yeah. That they have oh, it's
Cole Ingle:just, so yeah. I think that the NFL's doing the right thing. Try to pivot here. So hopefully it's entertaining. It'll definitely catch my eyes for at least this year. Yeah. Simply because it's something a little different. Yeah.
Stoy Hall:I, agree a hundred percent.
Cole Ingle:All right. And honestly, a better chance that I watch it on a Thursday night than on a, Saturday when I might be out doing something. Or
Stoy Hall:golf. Yeah. Start, compete there. I'd rather watch a Pebble. Any who? Yeah. That's it. Golf starting. It's a little teaser. Pro Bowl this week. Next week. Big week. Super
Cole Ingle:Bowl. Super Bowl week. Let's get it. One
Stoy Hall:game. One game, one team, one heartbeat. One city.